A disposable encrypted chat-based application created to claim anonymity back

Harpocrate Security is the number 1 priority when it comes to Harpocrate as the goal is to become a platform for encrypted disposable chats, the purpose of making a disposable encrypted chat is to create a connection of encrypted channels and anonymity possible again. This is an open-source project meaning you can review all code and pen-test possible vulnerabilities if you have found any possible security threats make sure to create an Issue. If you are using an older version […]

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Multimodal Neural Script Knowledge Models

merlot MERLOT is a model for learning what we are calling “neural script knowledge” — representations about what is going on in videos, spanning multiple video frames with associated captions. What’s here We are releasing the following: Code for the MERLOT model (in model/, with data processing in data/ Code for running MERLOT over visual story ordering. We plan to release: Information about the videos used in this work Code for adapting the model to other tasks (not strictly needed, […]

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Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation with python

StyleSpeech PyTorch Implementation of Meta-StyleSpeech : Multi-Speaker Adaptive Text-to-Speech Generation. [x] StyleSpeech (naive branch) [x] Meta-StyleSpeech (main branch) Dependencies You can install the Python dependencies with pip3 install -r requirements.txt Inference You have to download pretrained models and put them in output/ckpt/LibriTTS/. For English single-speaker TTS, run python3 synthesize.py –text “YOUR_DESIRED_TEXT” –ref_audio path/to/reference_audio.wav –restore_step 200000 –mode single -p config/LibriTTS/preprocess.yaml -m config/LibriTTS/model.yaml -t config/LibriTTS/train.yaml The generated utterances will be put in output/result/. Your synthesized speech will have ref_audio‘s style. Batch Inference […]

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Linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter

BCES Python module for performing robust linear regression on (X,Y) data points where both X and Y have measurement errors. The fitting method is the bivariate correlated errors and intrinsic scatter (BCES) and follows the description given in Akritas & Bershady. 1996, ApJ. Some of the advantages of BCES regression compared to ordinary least squares fitting (quoted from Akritas & Bershady 1996): it allows for measurement errors on both variables it permits the measurement errors for the two variables to […]

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Detect secret in source code and scan your repo for leaks with python

GitGuardian Shield Detect secret in source code, scan your repo for leaks. Find secrets with GitGuardian and prevent leaked credentials. GitGuardian is an automated secrets detection & remediation service. The GitGuardian shield (gg-shield) is a CLI application that runs in your local environment or in a CI environment to help you detect more than 200 types of secrets, as well as other potential security vulnerabilities or policy breaks. GitGuardian shield uses our public API through py-gitguardian to scan your files […]

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Dashboard For The DexConnect Platform of Dexterity Global

DexDash Working prototype submission for internship at Dexterity Global Group. Dashboard to for real time analysis of data of connected individuals and institutes across the country. A dashboard built using Plotly-Dash for interactive visualization of Dex-connected individuals across the country. Requirements How to run Install the dependencies by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt Once dependencies are installed, just run python app.py to see it in your browser. Features Map to visualize the connected individuals and institutes Demographics and […]

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Using Pandas to Make a Gradebook in Python

One of the jobs that all teachers have in common is evaluating students. Whether you use exams, homework assignments, quizzes, or projects, you usually have to turn students’ scores into a letter grade at the end of the term. This often involves a bunch of calculations that you might do in a spreadsheet. Instead, you can consider using Python and pandas. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Load and merge data from multiple sources with pandas Filter and group […]

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Part- 3: Step by Step Guide to Master Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction This article is part of an ongoing blog series on Natural Language Processing (NLP). In part-1and  part-2 of this blog series, we complete the theoretical concepts related to NLP. Now, in continuation of that part, in this article, we will cover some of the new concepts. In this article, we will understand the terminologies required and then we start our journey towards text cleaning and preprocessing, which is […]

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Build surface water network for MODFLOW’s SFR Package

Surface water network Creates surface water network, which can be used to create MODFLOW’s SFR. Python packages Python 3.6+ is required. Required geopandas – process spatial data similar to pandas pyproj>=2.2 – spatial projection support rtree – spatial index support Optional flopy – read/write MODFLOW models netCDF4 – used to read TopNet files Testing Run pytest -v or python3 -m pytest -v For faster multi-core pytest -v -n 2 (with pytest-xdist) Examples import geopandas import pandas as pd import swn […]

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Real-Time Spherical Microphone Renderer for binaural reproduction in Python

ReTiSAR Implementation of the Real-Time Spherical Microphone Renderer for binaural reproduction in Python. Requirements macOS (tested on 10.14 Mojave and 10.15 Catalina) or Linux (tested on 5.9.1-1-rt19-MANJARO) (Windows is not supported due to an incompatibility with the current multiprocessing implementation) JACK library (prebuilt installers / binaries are available) Conda installation (miniconda is sufficient; provides an easy way to get Intel MKL or alternatively OpenBLAS optimized numpy versions which is highly recommended) Python installation (tested with 3.7 to 3.9; recommended way […]

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