Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch

Uformer – Pytorch Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch. It will only offer the concat-cross-skip connection. This repository will be geared towards use in a project for learning protein structures. Specifically, it will include the ability to condition on time steps (needed for DDPM), as well as 2d relative positional encoding using rotary embeddings (instead of the bias on the attention matrix in the paper). Install $ pip install uformer-pytorch Usage import torch from uformer_pytorch import Uformer model = […]

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CT-Net: Channel Tensorization Network for Video Classification

CT-Net CT-Net: Channel Tensorization Network for Video Classification @inproceedings{ li2021ctnet, title={{{}CT{}}-Net: Channel Tensorization Network for Video Classification}, author={Kunchang Li and Xianhang Li and Yali Wang and Jun Wang and Yu Qiao}, booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations}, year={2021}, url={} } Overview [2021/6/3] We release the PyTorch code of CT-Net. More details and models will be available. Model Zoo More models will be released in a month… Now we release the model for visualization, please download it from here and put it […]

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A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, and video

AugLy AugLy is a data augmentations library that currently supports four modalities (audio, image, text & video) and over 100 augmentations. Each modality’s augmentations are contained within its own sub-library. These sub-libraries include both function-based and class-based transforms, composition operators, and have the option to provide metadata about the transform applied, including its intensity. AugLy is a great library to utilize for augmenting your data in model training, or to evaluate the robustness gaps of your model! We designed AugLy […]

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Official implementation for TransDA

Official implementation for TransDA Official pytorch implement for “Transformer-Based Source-Free Domain Adaptation”. Overview: Result: Prerequisites: python == 3.6.8 pytorch ==1.1.0 torchvision == 0.3.0 numpy, scipy, sklearn, PIL, argparse, tqdm Prepare pretrain model We choose R50-ViT-B_16 as our encoder. wget mkdir ./model/vit_checkpoint/imagenet21k mv R50+ViT-B_16.npz ./model/vit_checkpoint/imagenet21k/R50+ViT-B_16.npz Our checkpoints could be find in Dropbox Dataset: Please manually download the datasets Office, Office-Home, VisDA, Office-Caltech from the official websites, and modify the path of images in each ‘.txt’ under the folder ‘./data/’. The […]

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Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters from Generated Images

Reverse_Engineering_GMs Official Pytorch implementation of paper “Reverse Engineering of Generative Models: Inferring Model Hyperparameters from Generated Images”. The paper and supplementary can be found at Prerequisites PyTorch 1.5.0 Numpy 1.14.2 Scikit-learn 0.22.2 Getting Started Datasets For reverse enginnering: For deepfake detection: Download the CelebA/LSUN dataset For image_attribution: Generate 110,000 images for four different GAN models as specified in For real images, use 110,000 of CelebA dataset. For training: we used 100,000 images and remaining 10,000 for testing. Training […]

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NLP – Sentiment Analysis

Now, we can see that our target has changed to 0 and 1,i.e. 0 for Negative and 1 for Positive, and the data is more or less in a balanced state. Data Pre-processing Now, we will perform some pre-processing on the data before converting it into vectors and passing it to the machine learning model. We will create a function for pre-processing of data. 1. First, we will iterate through each record, and using a regular expression, we will get […]

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Covid-19 Tweets Analysis using NLP with Python

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction In this tutorial, I am going to discuss a practical guide of Natural Language Processing(NLP) using Python. Before we move further, we will just take a look at the concept of Corona Virus namely CoVid-19. CoVid-19: Coronavirus disease (CoVid-19) is an infectious disease that is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most of the people who have been infected with the CoVid-19 virus will experience mild to adequate […]

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CATs: Semantic Correspondence with Transformers

CATs Semantic Correspondence with Transformers Our model CATs is illustrated below: git clone cd CATs conda create -n CATs python=3.6 conda activate CATs pip install torch==1.8.0+cu111 torchvision==0.9.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.8.0 -f pip install -U scikit-image pip install git+ pip install tensorboardX termcolor timm tqdm requests pandas Download pre-trained weights on Link All datasets are automatically downloaded into directory specified by argument datapath Result on SPair-71k: (PCK 49.9%) python –pretrained “/path_to_pretrained_model/spair” –benchmark spair Result on SPair-71k, feature backbone frozen: (PCK […]

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Headless chatbot that detects spam and posts links to it to chatrooms for quick deletion

SmokeDetector Headless chatbot that detects spam and posts it to chatrooms. Uses ChatExchange, takes questions from the Stack Exchange realtime tab, and accesses answers via the Stack Exchange API. Basic setup To set up SmokeDetector, please use git clone cd SmokeDetector git checkout deploy sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt –upgrade pip3 install –user -r user_requirements.txt –upgrade Next, copy config.sample to a new file called config,and edit the values required. To run, use python3 in a daemon-able mode, like […]

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Real-time Coastal Monitoring at the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Coastal Monitoring at the University of Manoa Source code for Beaglebone/RPi-based data loggers, shore internet gateways, and web server. Software developed for the Coastal Environment Monitoring project at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Project website: I’m using this mostly for synchronizing the software and configurations on our gateways, loggers, and servers; I’m not using this to track issues or updates. More like “Dropbox for source code” than “git for source control”. That said, the drivers/ folder does contain […]

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