Adaptive Multi-Channel Signal Enhancement Based on Multi-Source Contribution Estimation

August 23, 2021 By: Jacob Donley, Vladimir Tourbabin, Boaz Rafaely, Ravish Mehra Abstract Automated solutions to multi-channel signal enhancement for improving speech communication in noisy environments has become a popular goal among the research community. Many proposed approaches focus on adapting to speech signals based on their temporal characteristics but these methods are primarily limited to specific types of desired and undesired sound sources. This paper outlines a new method to adapt to desired and undesired signals using their spatial […]

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Riemannian Convex Potential Maps with python

rcpm This repository is by Brandon Amos, Samuel Cohen and Yaron Lipman and contains the JAX source code to reproduce the experiments in our ICML 2021 paper on Riemannian Convex Potential Maps. Modeling distributions on Riemannian manifolds is a crucial component in understanding non-Euclidean data that arises, e.g., in physics and geology. The budding approaches in this space are limited by representational and computational tradeoffs. We propose and study a class of flows that uses convex potentials from Riemannian optimal […]

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Real-time Instance Segmentation with Discriminative Orientation Maps

OrienMask This repository implements the framework OrienMask for real-time instance segmentation. It achieves 34.8 mask AP on COCO test-dev at the speed of 42.7 FPS evaluated with a single RTX 2080Ti. (log) Paper: Real-time Instance Segmentation with Discriminative Orientation Maps Installation Please see to prepare the environment and dataset. Usage Place the pre-trained backbone (link) and trained model (link) as follows for convenience (otherwise update the corresponding path in configurations): ├── checkpoints │ ├── pretrained │ │ ├──pretrained_darknet53.pth │ […]

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Summarize LSF job properties by parsing log files

lsf_stats Summarize LSF job properties by parsing log files of workflows executed by Snakemake. Installation $ pip install lsf_stats Usage $ lsf_stats –help Usage: lsf_stats [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]… Summarize LSF job properties by parsing log files. Options: –version Show the version and exit. –help Show this message and exit. Commands: gather Aggregate information from log files in single dataframe. summarize Summarize and visualize aggregated information. Example Assume that you executed your Snakemake workflow using the lsf-profile and all generated log […]

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Pagination for your bot using the discord_components library

Paginator – discord_components This repository is just an example code for how to carry out pagination using the discord_components library for python. Its fairly easy, and once you get the hang of it you can modify it as per your choice 😀 The code contains an in-built timeout feature, where after 10 seconds of inactivity, the buttons are disabled automatically! Pre Requisites Basic knowledge of Python Python 3.7+ installed on your computer Discord Account Libraries Simply install these by running […]

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How Do Adam and Training Strategies Help BNNs Optimization?

AdamBNN This is the pytorch implementation of our paper “How Do Adam and Training Strategies Help BNNs Optimization?”, published in ICML 2021. ![]( =60%x) In this work, we explore the intrisic reasons why Adam is superior to other optimizers like SGD for BNN optimization and provide analytical explanations that support specific training strategies. By visualizing the optimization trajectory, we show that the optimization lies in extremely rugged loss landscape and the second-order momentum in Adam is crucial to revitalize the […]

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A python tool developed to bruteforce Apache Tomcat manager username and password

Tomcter Python Tomcat Login Bruteforce ⚡ Installing / Getting started A quick guide of how to install and use Tomcter. 1. Clone the repository with git clone 2. Install the libraries with pip3 install -r requirements.txt 3. Insert the targets URL on src/core/data/urls.txt file (ex: 4. Run Tomcter with python3 🐳 Docker If you want to use Tomcter in a Docker container, follow this commands: 1. Clone the repository – git clone 2. Build the image […]

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Create a Neo4J graph of users and roles trust policies within an AWS Organization

AWS_ORG_MAPPER This tool uses sso-oidc to authenticate to the AWS organization. Once authenticated the tool will attempt to enumerate all users and roles in the organization and map their trust relations. The graph can be explored using Neo4j desktop or web client. Below you can find some sample queries that can help extract useful information from the graph. Using this tool users can discover how role trusts are delegated in the organization and can help identify improve account isolation within […]

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A method to pre-train general purpose natural language models

TunBERT People in Tunisia use the Tunisian dialect in their daily communications, in most of their media (TV, radio, songs, etc), and on the internet (social media, forums). Yet, this dialect is not standardized which means there is no unique way for writing and speaking it. Added to that, it has its proper lexicon, phonetics, and morphological structures. The need for a robust language model for the Tunisian dialect has become crucial in order to develop NLP-based applications (translation, information […]

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Group Fisher Pruning for Practical Network Compression

FisherPruning Group Fisher Pruning for Practical Network Compression(ICML2021) NOTES All models about detection has been released. The classification models will be released later, because we want to refactor all our code into a Hook , so that it can become a more general tool for all tasks in OpenMMLab. We will continue to improve this method and apply it to more other tasks, such as segmentation and pose. The layer grouping algorithm is implemtated based on the AutoGrad of Pytorch, […]

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