Robust and effective logging for Python 2 and 3

logzero Robust and effective logging for Python 2 and 3. Features Easy logging to console and/or (rotating) file. Provides a fully configured standard Python logger object. JSON logging (with integrated python-json-logger) Pretty formatting, including level-specific colors in the console. No dependencies Windows color output supported by colorama Robust against str/bytes encoding problems, works with all kinds of character encodings and special characters. Multiple loggers can write to the same logfile (also across multiple Python files and processes). Global default logger […]

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Verification of weather and climate forecasts in python

climpred We are actively looking for new contributors for climpred! Riley moved to McKinsey’s Climate Analytics team. Aaron is finishing his PhD, but will stay in academia. We especially hope for python enthusiasts from seasonal, subseasonal or weather prediction community. In our past coding journey, collaborative coding, feedbacking issues and pull requests advanced our code and thinking about forecast verification more than we could have ever expected. Aaron can provide guidance on implementing new features into climpred. Feel free to […]

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A galton board made in Python

Galton Board A project where we make a galton board in Python. There are two versions: Just the algorithm. I determines the number of balls in each of the lanes Using the same algorithm as before but representing it in a chart GitHub    

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An application for digitizing ECG scans in python

Paper ECG An application for digitizing ECG scans. (OSU Capstone Project 2020-21) See ecgdigitize for the library implementing the grid and signal digitization. Authors Natalie Coppa Julian Fortune Larisa Tereschenko (tereshch at With help from: Overview This application allows digitizing paper ECG image scans, such as this one: To produce digital signals, like these: Installation Download the latest release here. User Guide Read the user guide here Contributing Follow the set-up instructions: You should now have: Python 3.6.7 Virtual […]

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A large scale web crawler to take an overview about security of Moroccan sites

Security Analyzer A large scale web crawler (considered also as vulnerability scanner tool) to take an overview about security of Moroccan sites Current architecture / Workflow: Implemented defence mechanisms scanners: X-Frame-Options HTTP Strict-Transport-Security X-Content-Type-Options Secure cookies HttpOnly cookies CSRF Tokens Content security policy Iframe sandboxing Implemented vulnerabilities scanners: X-XSS-Protection Mixed-content inclusions Vulnerable remote JavaScript inclusion SSL-stripping Vulnerable Form Outdated Server Software – Outdated CMS Sensitive files HTTP Parameter Pollution Information leakage Insecure SSL implementation Usage Check the examples in the […]

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Python Crawler written Python 3

pycrawler Python Crawler written Python 3. (Supports major Python releases Python3.6, Python3.7 and Python 3.8) Installation and Use Setup VirtualEnv which python3 this will output the path of your python3 #now setup a python3 virtualenv mkvirtualenv crawl3 -p $(which python3) workon crawler python -d5 // -d5 means crawl to the depth of 5. Results: And the output is: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [00:00<00:00, 29200.11it/s] 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 9/9 [00:00<00:00, 22563.50it/s] 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 9/9 [00:00<00:00, 21375.28it/s] 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 22227.37it/s] CRAWLER STARTED:, will […]

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An async python framework with the backend runtime written in rust

Robyn Robyn is an async Python backend server with a runtime written in Rust, btw. Python server running on top of of Rust Async RunTime. Installation You can simply use Pip for installation. pip install robyn Usage from robyn import Robyn app = Robyn() @app.get(“/”) async def h(): return “Hello, world!” app.start() Contributor Guidelines Feel free to open an issue for any clarification or for any suggestions. If you’re feeling curious. You can take a look at a more detailed […]

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Amazon Product review Sentiment Analysis using BERT

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Natural Language processing, a sub-field of machine learning has gained immense popularity in the last 5 years in both research and industrial applications due to the advancement in the field of deep learning and improvement in the computational power of hardware systems. It is a technique for computers to understand how human languages work involving the usage of computational linguistics and the computer science domain. In recent years, […]

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Topic Modeling and Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) using Gensim and Sklearn : Part 1

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Let’s say you have a client who has a publishing house. Your client comes to you with two tasks: one he wants to categorize all the books or the research papers he receives weekly on a common theme or a topic and the other task is to encapsulate large documents into smaller bite-sized texts. Is there any technique and tool available that can do both of these two […]

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CloudAAE: Learning 6D Object Pose Regression with On-line Data Synthesis on Point Clouds

CloudAAE This is an tensorflow implementation of “CloudAAE: Learning 6D Object Pose Regression with On-line Data Synthesis on Point Clouds” Files log: directory to store log files during training. losses: loss functions for training. models: a python file defining model structure. object_model_tfrecord: full object models for data synthesizing and visualization purpose. tf_ops: tensorflow implementation of sampling operations (credit: Haoqiang Fan, Charles R. Qi). trained_network: a trained network. utils: utility files for defining model structure. ycb_video_data_tfRecords: synthetic training data and real […]

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