A python script to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information

ScanDF The purpose of this script is to bypass disablefund, provide some useful information, and dig the hook function of PHP extension. df-bypass.py Use: Python df-bypass.py – U URL (phpinfo information) EG1: Test [geek challenge 2019] rce me You can directly use the hook function to bypass the DL – runtime load a PHP extension EG2: [Blue Hat Cup 2021] one pointer PHP Direct hit FPM modify ant sword source code!! putenv-ld_preload.py By bypassing the putenv hook function, we can […]

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Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights

homeassistant-powercalc Custom component to calculate estimated power consumption of lights and other appliances. Provides easy configuration to get virtual power consumption sensors in Home Assistant for all your devices which don’t have a build in power meter. This component estimates power usage by looking at brightness, hue/saturation and color temperature etc using different strategies. They are explained below. Power sensors can be created for light, switch, fan, binary_sensor, input_boolean, remote and media_player entities Installation HACS This integration is part of […]

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Scans Amazon Route53 across an AWS Organization for domain records vulnerable to takeover

domain-protect scans Amazon Route53 across an AWS Organization for domain records vulnerable to takeover deploy to security audit account deploy to security audit account scan your entire AWS Organization receive alerts by Slack or email or manually scan from your laptop subdomain detection functionality scans Amazon Route53 Alias records to identify CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin scans Amazon Route53 CNAME records to identify CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin scans Amazon Route53 for ElasticBeanstalk Alias records vulnerable to takeover […]

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Dragon Quest IV English + Party Chat Script Patcher for Japan ROM

dqiv-nds-en-script-patcher Patches English script files from the US version of Dragon Quest IV for Nintendo DS and Android so they are rendered nicely when used with the Japan ROM. Addresses various issues caused by the Japan game code being not fully compatible with English script files. Why? The US version of Dragon Quest IV for the Nintendo DS did not have party chat (https://dragon-quest.org/wiki/Party_Chat) and seems to completely disable party chat in the game code, so it is not normally […]

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A Framework meant for the exploitation of iOS devices

iPwn A Framework meant for the exploitation of iOS devices. iPwn is a framework meant for exploiting and and gaining access to iOS devices. It also has an extension that is a mini-framework called ‘iSteal’ that is meant for post-exploitation (after you get access to the device). This description will walk you through the different ways and steps to get access to an iOS device and harvest information from it. The first way of getting access to an iOS device. […]

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Oriented RepPoints for Aerial Object Detection

OrientedRepPoints Oriented RepPoints employs a set of adaptive points to capture the geometric and spatial information of the arbitrary-oriented objects, which is able to automatically arrange themselves over the object in a spatial and semantic scenario. To facilitate the supervised learning, the oriented conversion function is proposed to explicitly map the adaptive point set into an oriented bounding box. Moreover, we introduce an effective quality assessment measure to select the point set samples for training, which can choose the representative […]

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Global Filter Networks for Image Classification

GFNet Created by Yongming Rao, Wenliang Zhao, Zheng Zhu, Jiwen Lu, Jie Zhou This repository contains PyTorch implementation for GFNet. Global Filter Networks is a transformer-style architecture that learns long-term spatial dependencies in the frequency domain with log-linear complexity. Our architecture replaces the self-attention layer in vision transformers with three key operations: a 2D discrete Fourier transform, an element-wise multiplication between frequency-domain features and learnable global filters, and a 2D inverse Fourier transform. Global Filter Layer GFNet is a conceptually […]

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Drone detection using YOLOv5 in python

Detect_Drone Drone detection using YOLOv5 in python. Install Python >= 3.6.0 required with all requirements.txt dependencies installed: $ git clone https://github.com/tusharsarkar3/Detect_Drone.git $ pip install -r requirements.txt Training The structure of the file system is of great importance here so these images will show you the correct way of organizing it. The main folder named datasets should be on the same level as this repository. The next steps are elaborated in the images: The two folders with images and labels respectively […]

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A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API

A collection of metrics for evaluating timbre dissimilarity using the TorchMetrics API Installation pip install -e . Usage import timbremetrics datasets = timbremetrics.list_datasets() dataset = datasets[0] # get the first timbre dataset # MAE between target dataset and pred embedding distances metric = timbremetrics.TimbreMAE( margin=0.0, dataset=dataset, distance=timbremetrics.l1 ) # get numpy audio for the timbre dataset audio = timbremetrics.get_audio(dataset) # get arbitrary embeddings for the timbre dataset’s audio embeddings = net(audio) # compute the metric metric(embeddings) Metrics The following metrics […]

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Look before you leap: learning landmark features for one-stage visual grounding

LBYL-Net This repo implements paper Look Before You Leap: Learning Landmark Features For One-Stage Visual Grounding CVPR 2021. Getting Started Prerequisites python 3.7 pytorch 10.0 cuda 10.0 gcc 4.92 or above Installation Then clone the repo and install dependencies. git clone https://github.com/svip-lab/LBYLNet.git cd LBYLNet pip install requirements.txt You also need to install our landmark feature convolution: cd ext git clone https://github.com/hbb1/landmarkconv.git cd landmarkconv/lib/layers python setup.py install –user We follow dataset structure DMS and FAOA. For convience, we have pack them […]

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