A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT

VD-BERT PyTorch Code for the following paper at EMNLP2020:Title: VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT [pdf]Authors: Yue Wang, Shafiq Joty, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King, Caiming Xiong, Steven C.H. HoiInstitute: Salesforce Research and CUHKAbstractVisual dialog is a challenging vision-language task, where a dialog agent needs to answer a series of questions through reasoning on the image content and dialog history. Prior work has mostly focused on various attention mechanisms to model such intricate interactions. By contrast, in […]

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Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

DSANet This project is the PyTorch implementation of the paper “DSANet: Dual Self-Attention Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting“, in which we propose a dual self-attention network (DSANet) for multivariate time series forecasting. The network architecture is illustrated in the following figure, and more details about the effect of each component can be found in the paper. Requirements Python 3.5 or above PyTorch 1.1 or above pytorch-lightning How to run You need to prepare the dataset first. Check here. # […]

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Unofficial Discord Rich Presence for HackTheBox platform

HTBRichPresence Unofficial Discord Rich Presence for HackTheBox platform The project is under lazy development. How to run Install requirements: // I’m gonna add this pip3 install -r requirements.txt Enter your api_key in main.py script (1 on screenshot) and your id (2 on screenshot) And run the main script: python3 path/to/main.py [active_machine], [–help] Info about Attention: active_machine is name of box you re doing and its for showing one and it’s case sensitive! U’re using this arg makes RP look like […]

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Partially View-aligned Representation Learning with Noise-robust Contrastive Loss

2021-CVPR-MvCLN This repo contains the code and data of the following paper accepted by CVPR 2021 Requirements pytorch==1.5.0 numpy>=1.18.2 scikit-learn>=0.22.2 munkres>=1.1.2 logging>= Configuration The hyper-parameters, the training options (including the ratiao of positive to negative, aligned proportions and switch time) are defined in the args. part in run.py. Datasets The Scene-15 and Reuters-dim10 datasets are placed in “datasets” folder. The NoisyMNIST and Caltech101 datasets could be downloaded from Google cloud or Baidu cloud with password “rqv4”. Usage After setting the […]

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A data management and manipulation Python library

Datargsing Datargsing is a data management and manipulation Python library which is currently in deving Why this library is good? This Python library has classes and methods with a detailled documentation directly in you ide (if it supports documentation) and this library is really simple and logical GitHub https://github.com/LTHCTheMaster/Datargsing    

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Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation

rgbd-kinect-pose Real-time RGBD-based Extended Body Pose Estimation The output of our module is in SMPL-X parametric body mesh model: Combined system runs at 30 fps on a 2080ti GPU and 8 core @ 4GHz CPU. Build Prereqs: your nvidia driver should support cuda 10.2, Windows or Mac are not supported. Clone repo: Docker setup: Build docker image: run 2 cmds Attach your Azure Kinect camera Check your Azure Kinect camera is working inside Docker container: Enter Docker container: ./run_local.sh from […]

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A fast and easy Data Visulaization tool running on python dash

YATA Yata is a fast, simple and easy Data Visulaization tool, running on python dash. The main goal of Yata is to provide a easy way for persons with little programming knowledge to visualize their data easily. Version v1.0yata This is Yata version 1. No way is it expected to work as we expect, it is the bare bones of the full application, you can test it out to get a general idea of how the script will work!. How […]

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A Prometheus exporter for monitoring & analyzing Grafana Labs’ technical documentation

grafana-docs-exporter A Prometheus exporter for monitoring & analyzing Grafana Labs’ technical documentation This exporter uses git to pull the newest versions of Grafana’s docs from the official repo. It then programmatically builds all the URLs to scrape those pages, just like Hugo does when it builds the actual docs website. These URLs are then scraped, parsed, analyzed, and exposed in Prometheus format. To add these metrics to your own Prometheus instance, just add this job to your prometheus.yml: – job_name: […]

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Data Quality Checker in Python

data-quality-checker Data Quality Checker in Python Check the basic quality of any dataset. Sneak Peek Requirements python 3.7 version streamlit 0.60 version pandas numpy matplotlib Usage Description for Local Run Install streamlit and other dependencies as mentioned in Requirements Clone the repository: git clonehttps://github.com/maladeep/palmerpenguins-streamlit-eda.git Run as streamlit run app.py OR Simply run the web app https://data-quality-checker.herokuapp.com/ GitHub https://github.com/maladeep/data-quality-checker    

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Simple Python / ImageMagick script to package images into WAD3s

WADs Out For [The] Ladies Simple Python / ImageMagick script to package images into WAD3s for use as GoldSrc textures. Development mostly focused on Linux, where a native WAD file creator is MIA. wofl input1 [input2 …] output input1 [input2 …] are the input images output is the output WAD filename Example $ ./wofl.py pictures/file.jpg my_wad.wad $ echo $? 0 # success ImageMagick (its executables have to be in the system PATH) GitHub https://github.com/Schlufi/wofl    

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