Topic Modelling With LDA -A Hands-on Introduction

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon Introduction Imagine walking into a bookstore to buy a book on world economics and not being able to figure out the section of the store that has this book, assuming the bookstore has simply stacked all types of books together. You then realize how important it is to divide the bookstore into different sections based on the type of book. Topic Modelling is similar to dividing a bookstore based […]

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VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports

reorder-python-imports VSCode extension to sort and refactor python imports using reorder-python-imports. Unlike other import organizers, reorder-python-imports focuses on reducing the frequency of merge conflicts, using static analysis to avoid the need for an active venv, and providing better better compatibility with pre-commit and black. To learn more, visit the original tool’s homepage. Features Refactoring the imports is provided as a code action, which can be invoked by right clicking on the code or the lightbulb icon and selecting Reorder Imports, […]

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Extract city and country mentions from Text like GeoText without regex

flashgeotext Extract and count countries and cities (+their synonyms) from text, like GeoText on steroids using FlashText, a Aho-Corasick implementation. Flashgeotext is a fast, batteries-included (and BYOD) and native python library that extracts one or more sets of given city and country names (+ synonyms) from an input text. Usage from flashgeotext.geotext import GeoText geotext = GeoText() input_text = ”’Shanghai. The Chinese Ministry of Finance in Shanghai said that China plans to cut tariffs on $75 billion worth of goods […]

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Homeautomation system created with Raspberry Pi 3 and Firebase

Homeautomation System – Raspberry Pi 3 Desenvolvido com Python, Flask e Firebase permite o controle remoto através da rede local e Internet. Itens necessários Raspberry Pi3 Relé 1 dispositivo para ser controlado (Usei uma lâmpada, mas pode ser qualquer outro) Jumpers Sensores (Se quiser melhorar ainda mais) Etapas 1. Conexõs físicas Faça um esquema no Fritzing para definir qual pino será usado em qual dispositivo. Como na figura: -O pino com conexão vermelha é o VCC, alimenta com 5V-O pino […]

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AI based process automation tool for text analysis need

Obsei Obsei is intended to be an automation tool for text analysis need. Obsei consist of – Observer, observes platform like Twitter, Facebook, App Stores, Google reviews, Amazon reviews, News, Website etc and feed that information to, Analyzer, which perform text analysis like classification, sentiment, translation, PII etc and feed that information to, Informer, which send it to ticketing system, data store, dataframe etc for further action and analysis. Current flow Future concept (Coming Soon! 🙂) Use cases Obsei use […]

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Classify different birds species based on their songs/calls

Bird-Song-Classification The goal is to classify different birds species based on their songs/calls. Spectrograms have been extracted from the audio samples and used as features for classification. A Siamese network based on 1D dilated convolutions is used here. Model is trained using triplet loss. I am using the British Birdsong Dataset available on Kaggle for this experiment. Download the data from here. This dataset is a subset of Xeno-Canto database. Siamese Networks along with dilated 1D convolutions are used here […]

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A simple python library for generating documentation from docstrings

inkpot a small simple library for generating documentation from docstrings Installation pip install inkpot Usage singel file python3 -m inkpot or directory python3 -m inkpot myproject/ output to a file (also works with directories) python3 -m inkpot > python3 -m inkpot myproject/ > Currently this returns a markdown table. More functionality and a better format will be added. Example Python file ex/ def add(a,b): “”” add to objects “”” return a + b python3 -m inkpot […]

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use library decrypt your reports via Python

Openhaystack-python This python daemon will allow you to gather your Openhaystack-based airtag reports and display them on a Grafana dashboard.You can also use library alone to decrypt your reports via Python Requirements Running Openhaystack simple-server (I’m using a Big Sur Hackintosh virtual machine on my Proxmox server). Grafana instance with installed Track map plugin (in my case running on a separate Arch Linux machine with InfluxDB). InfluxDB 2.0 to store your decrypted reports and send them to Grafana. Installation […]

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Generating plots of Bohemian eigenvalues with python

Bohemian Eigenvalue Plotting Examples This repository contains examples of generating plots of Bohemian eigenvalues. The examples in this repository are currently only available in Python. All examples use the bohemian library. Pentadiagonal Skew Symmetric Python: python/ Upper-Hessenberg Toeplitz Python: python/ GitHub    

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