What Is Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning is a learning problem that involves a small number of labeled examples and a large number of unlabeled examples. Learning problems of this type are challenging as neither supervised nor unsupervised learning algorithms are able to make effective use of the mixtures of labeled and untellable data. As such, specialized semis-supervised learning algorithms are required. In this tutorial, you will discover a gentle introduction to the field of semi-supervised learning for machine learning. After completing this tutorial, you […]

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Gradient Descent With Adadelta from Scratch

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that follows the negative gradient of an objective function in order to locate the minimum of the function. A limitation of gradient descent is that it uses the same step size (learning rate) for each input variable. AdaGradn and RMSProp are extensions to gradient descent that add a self-adaptive learning rate for each parameter for the objective function. Adadelta can be considered a further extension of gradient descent that builds upon AdaGrad and RMSProp […]

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What Is a Gradient in Machine Learning?

Gradient is a commonly used term in optimization and machine learning. For example, deep learning neural networks are fit using stochastic gradient descent, and many standard optimization algorithms used to fit machine learning algorithms use gradient information. In order to understand what a gradient is, you need to understand what a derivative is from the field of calculus. This includes how to calculate a derivative and interpret the value. An understanding of the derivative is directly applicable to understanding how […]

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How to Implement Gradient Descent Optimization from Scratch

Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that follows the negative gradient of an objective function in order to locate the minimum of the function. It is a simple and effective technique that can be implemented with just a few lines of code. It also provides the basis for many extensions and modifications that can result in better performance. The algorithm also provides the basis for the widely used extension called stochastic gradient descent, used to train deep learning neural networks. […]

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A Gentle Introduction to Ensemble Learning Algorithms

Ensemble learning is a general meta approach to machine learning that seeks better predictive performance by combining the predictions from multiple models. Although there are a seemingly unlimited number of ensembles that you can develop for your predictive modeling problem, there are three methods that dominate the field of ensemble learning. So much so, that rather than algorithms per se, each is a field of study that has spawned many more specialized methods. The three main classes of ensemble learning […]

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How to Combine Predictions for Ensemble Learning

Ensemble methods involve combining the predictions from multiple models. The combination of the predictions is a central part of the ensemble method and depends heavily on the types of models that contribute to the ensemble and the type of prediction problem that is being modeled, such as a classification or regression. Nevertheless, there are common or standard techniques that can be used to combine predictions that can be easily implemented and often result in good or best predictive performance. In […]

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Essence of Stacking Ensembles for Machine Learning

Stacked generalization, or stacking, may be a less popular machine learning ensemble given that it describes a framework more than a specific model. Perhaps the reason it has been less popular in mainstream machine learning is that it can be tricky to train a stacking model correctly, without suffering data leakage. This has meant that the technique has mainly been used by highly skilled experts in high-stakes environments, such as machine learning competitions, and given new names like blending ensembles. […]

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Dynamic Ensemble Selection (DES) for Classification in Python

Dynamic ensemble selection is an ensemble learning technique that automatically selects a subset of ensemble members just-in-time when making a prediction. The technique involves fitting multiple machine learning models on the training dataset, then selecting the models that are expected to perform best when making a prediction for a specific new example, based on the details of the example to be predicted. This can be achieved using a k-nearest neighbor model to locate examples in the training dataset that are […]

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Growing and Pruning Ensembles in Python

Ensemble member selection refers to algorithms that optimize the composition of an ensemble. This may involve growing an ensemble from available models or pruning members from a fully defined ensemble. The goal is often to reduce the model or computational complexity of an ensemble with little or no effect on the performance of an ensemble, and in some cases find a combination of ensemble members that results in better performance than blindly using all contributing models directly. In this tutorial, […]

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A Gentle Introduction to Mixture of Experts Ensembles

Mixture of experts is an ensemble learning technique developed in the field of neural networks. It involves decomposing predictive modeling tasks into sub-tasks, training an expert model on each, developing a gating model that learns which expert to trust based on the input to be predicted, and combines the predictions. Although the technique was initially described using neural network experts and gating models, it can be generalized to use models of any type. As such, it shows a strong similarity […]

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