Quiz: What Are CRUD Operations?

Interactive Quiz ⋅ 6 QuestionsBy Philipp Acsany Share Or copy the link: Copied! Happy Pythoning! In this quiz, you’ll test your understanding of CRUD Operations. By working through this quiz, you’ll revisit the key concepts and techniques related to CRUD operations. Good luck! The quiz contains 6 questions and there is no time limit. You’ll get 1 point for each correct answer. At the end of the quiz, you’ll receive    

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Python’s Built-in Exceptions: A Walkthrough With Examples

Python has a complete set of built-in exceptions that provide a quick and efficient way to handle errors and exceptional situations that may happen in your code. Knowing the most commonly used built-in exceptions is key for you as a Python developer. This knowledge will help you debug code because each exception has a specific meaning that can shed light on your debugging process. You’ll also be able to handle and raise most of the built-in exceptions in your Python […]

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Microsoft at CHI 2024: Innovations in human-centered design

The ways people engage with technology, through its design and functionality, determine its utility and acceptance in everyday use, setting the stage for widespread adoption. When computing tools and services respect the diversity of people’s experiences and abilities, technology is not only functional but also universally accessible. Human-computer interaction (HCI) plays a crucial role in this process, examining how technology integrates into our daily lives and exploring ways digital tools can be shaped to meet individual needs and enhance our […]

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HTML and CSS Foundations for Python Developers

When you want to build websites as a Python programmer, there’s no way around HTML and CSS. Almost every website on the Internet is built with HTML markup to structure the page. To make a website look nice, you can style HTML with CSS. If you’re interested in web development with Python, then knowing HTML and CSS will help you understand web frameworks like Django and Flask better. But even if you’re just getting started with Python, HTML and CSS […]

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RASCAL: Novel robotics for scalable and highly available automated storage and retrieval

This research paper was presented at the 41st IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (opens in new tab) (ICRA 2024), the premier international forum for robotics research. Over the past decade, robotics has revolutionized numerous industries that rely on storage systems, such as manufacturing and warehousing. In these contexts, robotics streamlines operations and increase efficiency, and automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS) are at the heart of this technological shift,  

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What Is the __pycache__ Folder in Python?

When you develop a self-contained Python script, you might not notice anything unusual about your directory structure. However, as soon as your project becomes more complex, you’ll often decide to extract parts of the functionality into additional modules or packages. That’s when you may start to see a __pycache__ folder appearing out of nowhere next to your source files in seemingly random places: project/ │ ├── mathematics/ │ │ │ ├── __pycache__/ │ │ │ ├── arithmetic/ │ │ ├── […]

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3 Ways of Image Subtraction in Python with NumPy, OpenCV and Pillow Libraries

Introduction In this post, we will see various ways of doing image subtraction in Python by using NumPy, OpenCV, and Pillow libraries. The subtraction of images may sound a bit strange to beginners but images consist of numeric pixels hence we can perform pixel-wise subtraction between two images. Subtraction of Images When one image is subtracted from another it does pixel-wise subtraction where the pixel of the 2nd image is subtracted from the 1st image resulting in a new 3rd […]

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MatterSim: A deep-learning model for materials under real-world conditions

In the quest for groundbreaking materials crucial to nanoelectronics, energy storage, and healthcare, a critical challenge looms: predicting a material’s properties before it is even created. This is no small feat, with any combination of 118 elements in the periodic table, and the range of temperatures and pressures under which materials are synthesized and operated. These factors drastically affect atomic interactions within materials, making accurate property prediction and behavior simulation exceedingly demanding. Here at Microsoft  

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How to Use Stable Diffusion Effectively

From the prompt to the picture, Stable Diffusion is a pipeline with many components and parameters. All these components working together creates the output. If a component behave differently, the output will change. Therefore, a bad setting can easily ruin your picture. In this post, you will see: How the different components of the Stable Diffusion pipeline affects your output How to find the best configuration to help you generate a high quality picture Let’s get started. How to Use […]

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