A PG3D API Made with Python

PG3D Python API A Pixel Gun 3D Python API (Public Ver) How To Use? Examples pbn.isBanned(192819483) -> True pbn.freeCurrencyTypeRotation() -> [‘GemsCurrency’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘Coins’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘Coins’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘Coins’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘GemsCurrency’, ‘Coins’] | OS: test GitHub View Github    

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My solutions to Advent of Code 2021 written in Python

This repository contains my solutions for the 2021 edition of Advent of Code. Please do not expect perfectly polished solutions, most scripts are just hacked together and never touched again. Same holds for tests, as most of my solutions are developed using REPL Driven Development instead of Test Driven Development. 🙂 Overview Stars so far: 8/8 Setup If you want to reproduce my solutions using your own input (no guarantees my hacky code will work for your inputs!), dependencies are […]

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A simple and efficient computing package for Genshin Impact gacha analysis

这个版本的计算包追求计算速度,而GGanalysis包有着更多计算功能。 GGanalysisLite包通过卷积计算分布列,通过FFT和快速幂加速卷积计算。 测试玩家得到的排名值rank的数学意义是:与抽了同样数量五星的其他玩家相比,测试玩家花费的抽数大于等于比例rank的玩家。rank的值在(0,1]上,值越高说明玩家越不幸运,达到1则说明达到了保底系统的极限。 安装方法 打开终端输入以下指令,安装完成后下载文件可以删除。 git clone https://github.com/OneBST/GGanalysisLite.git cd GGanalysisLite pip install . 卷积计算方法 采用的模型见我的B站专栏。通过卷积计算分布列。 卷积采用scipy的signal.convolve()函数,由其自动根据规模选择使用FFT计算或是直接卷积。 当计算物品数量上升,获取分布列需要多次卷积时,朴素FFT计算复杂度接近,故采用快速幂进行加速,复杂度降为。 用例 使用GenshinPlayer类添加玩家,初始化其抽卡情况,随后使用类函数输出rank

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Template repo to quickly make a tested and documented GitHub action in Python with Poetry

Getting started from the template Rename the src/action_python_poetry package. Globally replace instances of action-python-poetry and action_python_poetry with your project and package name. If your repo is private, set it up on CodeCov and add a codecov token to your repo under the CODECOV_TOKEN secret. Create and test your action. __main__.py in your package will be executed when the action is run. The environment variables your tests use can be set in pyproject.toml and/or managed in test fixtures. Update action.yml, README.md, […]

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Natural Language Processing Tasks and Examples

With the advancement of A.I. technology in recent years, natural language processing technology has been able to solve so many problems. While working as an NLP engineer, I encountered various tasks, and I thought it would be nice to gather and organize the natural language processing tasks I have dealt with in one place. Borrowing Kyubyong’s project format, I organized natural language processing tasks with references and example code. Automated Essay Scoring Automatic Speech Recognition Dialogue Generation Dialogue Retrieval Fill […]

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