Implementation for Evolution of Strategies for Cooperation

Implementation for Evolution of Strategies for Cooperation Dependencies You will need a python3 (>= 3.8) environment to run the code. Before you start, please run this command to install the dependencies: pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt How to run the demo We made a Web application to give you a quick impression of our project. In the moraliser directory, run: You will see a grid where nodes with different colors are randomly placed, which indicates agents of different types. Click on […]

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Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm – Generates Windows 95 and 95 OEM keys using the modulus 7 check algorithm Just download and drop in the directory you are using for the script you’re currently writing, or drop it in your python module directory to call it from anywhere.Then just import the function as one does normally. keygen95() – Generates a retail 95 key that works on all 95 era software, not just the OS. keygen95oem() – Generates an OEM 95 key. Some example uses: […]

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Flappy Bird With python and pygame

Tecnologias usadas Requisitos para inicializar o jogo: Python faça o download em: faça o download em: Pode ser usado as versões de Python apartir do suporte do Pygame Para inicializar o jogo, deve-se usar o comando no terminal “python” GitHub View Github    

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Object Detection with YOLOv3

Bu projede YOLOv3-608 modeli kullanılmıştır. Requirements Documentation Yolo ile ilgili detaylı bilgilere bu link üzerinden erişebilirsiniz. Yolov3 modelinin import edilmesi için aşağıdaki dosyalar indirilerek YOLO/Model/ klasörünün içine eklenmelidir. YOLOv3-608 için cfg dosya linki YOLOv3-608 için weights dosya linki OpenCV ve Numpy kütüphanesi kurulumu için: $ pip install opencv-python $ pip install numpy Örnek görüntü ve çıktısı Görüntü Yolov3 ile Çıktı GitHub View    

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This GUI app was created to show the detailed information about the weather in any city selected by user

Content Brief description This GUI app was created to show the detailed information about the weather in any city selected by user. Tools Language: PythonAPI: OpenWeather Libraries: Features Settings Favorite cities Default city (it’s displayed right when the app is opened) App can be minimized to tray Hotkeys The search works for both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet Hotkeys Enter: search Shift + F1: favorites & back Shift + F2: settings & back How it works The app    

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Cosine Annealing With Warmup

Formulation The learning rate is annealed using a cosine schedule over the course of learning of n_total total steps with an initial warmup period of n_warmup steps. Hence, the learning rate at step i is computed as: Learning rate will be changed as: Usage # optimizer, warmup_epochs, warmup_lr, num_epochs, base_lr, final_lr, iter_per_epoch lr_scheduler = LR_Scheduler( optimizer, args.warmup_epochs, args.warmup_lr

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(Unofficial) Python API for Starlink connections

A Python library for loading data from a SpaceX Starlink satellite. The goal is to be a simple interface for Starlink. It builds upon the work done on starlink-grpc-toolsto connect to Starlink from Python (and I’m also using it to understand gRPC, which I’ve never used before this). I’m writing this in order to create a Home Assistant component for Starlink. I’ll update the README when I have that started. I currently have the first iteration of Starlink satellites and […]

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Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando’a) utilizing a funtranslations free API

Translates English into Mandalorian (Mando’a) utilizing a “funtranslations” free API I created this app to experiment with a few different things I wanted more exposure to, one of the main points being GUI creation with Tkinter and how to influence functions from those inputs. The API will only accept so many queries per hour unless you pay for a plan on the website The translator is GUI based only at this time (Tkinter) GitHub View Github    

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