The Good Old Days. Testing Out A New Module

The Good Old Days. | Testing Out A New Module- Installation Asciimatics supports Python versions 2 & 3. For the precise list of tested versions, refer to pypi To install asciimatics, simply install with pip as follows: pip install asciimatics This should install all your dependencies for you. If you don’t use pip or it fails to installthem, you can install the dependencies directly using the packages listed in Additionally, Windows users (who aren’t using pip) will need […]

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TFT Bot that automatically surrenders and allows finishing TFT Passes easily

TFT Bot that automatically surrenders and allows finishing TFT Passes easily. Please read full file! You can check new releases here 🔍 Requirements You need to download Python 3 and PyAutoGUI, Time, Win32Api, Win32Con libraries. 📗 Library Download Guide Win + R cmd [Enter]: pip install pyautogui pip install time pip install pywin32 📏 Configure for Yourself You must replace the image files with your own screenshots for the program to run properly. You can take screenshots with Win + […]

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Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file

Simple Python project using Opencv and datetime package to recognise faces and log attendance data in a csv file.In “” file I’ve automated the process of creating a custom dataset in an already existing folder. Each subfolder in the the “FaceData” folder has images of corresponding to the folder name e.g Samuel folder contains images of samuel.The “” file trains a model to recognize the faces in the dataset.In the “” file make sure you change the image directory accordingly […]

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Project developed as part of a selection process for the company Denox

📝 Tabela de conteúdos 🧐 Sobre Projeto desenvolvido como parte de um processo seletivo da empresa Denox. Nesse projeto foi desenvolvido uma API usando Tornado onde tem a função de calcular a distância percorrida, o tempo em movimento, o tempo parado e os centroides das posições paradas de um veiculo rastreado. 📝 Requisitos para rodar o projeto Python3 Docker Docker Compose 💭 Instalação 1.Instale o Docker seguindo o tutorial a seguir:    

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Search all history of Chrome in terminal

Search all history of Chrome in terminal. Demo Usages Move the Chrome history file to current directory by running Rename history_db_{timestamp} file to the name DB [Optional] script is to merge the newest history file to DB file ./ history_db_1638637824, it will merge history_db_1638637824 to DB file chrotry to search title, url in terminal Shortcuts CTRL + n, move one line down CTRL + p, move one line up CTRL + e, quit GitHub View Github    

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A project designed to make taking notes easier than ever – by doing it all on command line

A project designed to make taking notes easier than ever – by doing it all on command line! Yes, all of your files are easily accessible through one command interface, and can be written to at any time! #ad #sponsored Honestly, I’m just making this as a curiosity for when I go back to school in the spring.My goal is to minimize effort and maximize note efficiency, making all of my notes easily accessible and well organized.Each entry you make […]

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Command-line tool to use LNURL with your LND instance

Commandline tool to use LNURL payRequest and withdrawRequest with LND. Usage: Customize config lndlnurl.conf Run python Docker: docker run -t -i –rm -v cred:/code/cred:ro -v $PWD/lndlnurl.conf:/code/lndlnurl.conf LNURL1DP68GURN8GHJ7MRWW3UXYMM59E3K7MF0D3H82UNV9ACXZ7FLW4EK2UNFVS7NXWPKXSURYYAF0CA Docker (on Umbrel machines): docker run -t -i –rm –network=”umbrel_main_network” -v ~/umbrel/lnd:/.lnd:ro -v $PWD/lndlnurl.conf:/code/lndlnurl.conf LNURL1DP68GURN8GHJ7MRWW3UXYMM59E3K7MF0D3H82UNV9ACXZ7FLW4EK2UNFVS7NXWPKXSURYYAF0CA Create alias Add the following to your .bash_profile

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Correcting typos in a word based on the frequency dictionary

Correcting typos in a word based on the frequency dictionary. This algorithm is based on the distance between words according to the Levenshtein-Damerau algorithm, and the frequency of words in the language. There is a choice of three functions for calculating the best option: linear, exponential and exponential. The parameters for these functions are user-definable. 05.12.2021 Python 3.9.4 Package: csv, logging, typing Author: GitHub View Github    

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Interpretable agent communication from scratch (with a generic visual processor emerging on the side)

Abstract As deep networks begin to be deployed as autonomous agents, the issue of how they can communicate with each other becomes important. Here, we train two deep nets from scratch to perform large-scale referent identification through unsupervised emergent communication. We show that the partially interpretable emergent protocol allows the nets to successfully communicate even about object classes they did not see at training time. The visual representations induced as a by-product of our training regime, moreover, when re-used as […]

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