A GUI program that will generate a word search puzzle image

Word Search Puzzle Generator Table of Contents About The Project Getting Started Usage Roadmap Contributing Contact About The Project About WSPG I started this project because belive it or not in school we had an assignment to do a search word puzzle butI didn’t know if theres diagnoals in the puzzle so i was a bit frustrated, So I asked myself: “Can I maybe make something like this? maybe better?”Well first of all I hope i was right and it’s […]

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Creating a better flamegraph visualization

How do you visualize performance data so you can easily spot bottlenecks? Brendan Gregg’s flamegraphs are a great solution, adopted by a large number of profilers and performance tools. However, even great solutions can be improved. With a few small tweaks, you can make flamegraphs much easier to read. To see what I mean, I’ll start with a default flamegraph, and then make it better step by step. Most of the improvements can be achieved by using the right tool […]

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Hopefully the the next-generation backend server of bgm.tv

基于 python 的新 api server 开发环境 python 版本: 3.8 依赖管理: poetry web 框架: fastapi quick start: git clone https://github.com/bangumi/server bangumi-server cd bangumi-server python -m venv .venv # MUST use python 3.8 source .venv/bin/activate poetry install –remove-untracked pre-commit install 设置 可设置的环境变量 MYSQL_HOST 默认 MYSQL_PORT 默认 3306 MYSQL_DB 默认 bangumi MYSQL_USER 无默认值 MYSQL_PASS 无默认值 启动服务器 uvicorn pol.server:app –reload –port 3000 后端环境

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MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection

Introduction In this repo, we propose a promising face detector, termed as MogFace. Our MogFace consists of 3 novel modules, including Ali-AMS, SSE and HCAM. Our MogFace achieves six champions on WIDER FACE. Prepare Environment conda create -n MogFace python=3.6 conda activate MogFace pip install -r requirements.txt cd utils/nms && python setup.py build_ext –inplace && cd ../.. cd    

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Uni-Fold: Training your own deep protein-folding models

This package provides an implementation of a trainable, Transformer-based deep protein folding model. We modified the open-source code of DeepMind AlphaFold v2.0 and provided code to train the model from scratch. See the reference and the repository of DeepMind AlphaFold v2.0. To train your own Uni-Fold models, please follow the steps below: 1. Install the environment. Run the following code to install the dependencies of Uni-Fold: conda create -n unifold python=3.8.10 -y conda activate unifold ./install_dependencies.sh Uni-Fold has been tested […]

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