Play music on Raspberry Pi Pico Without CPU involvement

Play music on Raspberry Pi Pico Without CPU involvement This is based on PIOBeep ( but lets you setup a piece of sound and then play it without processor involvement. It’s a little RAM intensive (circa 2K per second). It might be possible to improve this but might not. The DMA transfer is running as slowly as it can. I suppose slowing down the clock frequency would decrease RAM useage, but that probably defeats the point. It’s probably possible to […]

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SORA the set of rules approach

i have been thinking about this one possibility since few dayswhile everyone is talking about consciousness in machines and MLsome scientists said they want to study an entire brain neural network to be able to interpret itbut what if there is a possibility that instead of that we define a sophisticated set of rules instead?i call this the “set of rules approach” to achieve minimal consciousnessi mean to give human like consciousness(at any level) to machinewe need to train it […]

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Tiny Interactive File Transfer Application

This repository holds all the source code, tests and documentation of the TIFTAsoftware. The main goals of this program are: Ensure a safe and secure connection via SSH. Take advantage of SSH to establish an SFTP secure channel. Allow users to upload, download and remove files from remote server. The TIFTA software is nuder heavy development and ships in the form of a commandline application. No graphical user interface is provided yet. How to install For users If you would […]

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Proof of concept GnuCash Webinterface

This may one day be a something truly great. [ ] Browse accounts and view transactions [ ] Record simple transactions with a smartphone pip install -r requirements.txt export FLASK_ENV=development flask run This is (currently) a personal project to play around and satisfy my own everyday needsand intellectual curiosity. Who knows what will become of it? GitHub    

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Utility for converting IP Fabric webhooks into a Teams format

Setup IP Fabric Setup Go to Settings > Webhooks > Add webhook Provide a name URL will be: http(s)://:8000/ipfabric Copy secret Select if you want both Snapshot and Intent Events Recommended for only Snapshot events. Environment Setup Rename sample.env to .env Edit .env with your IPF and Teams variables Default IP Fabric alerts can be found in ipf_alerts.json and then minified into IPF_ALERTS Edit ipf_alerts.json to your desired settings python -c “import json, sys;json.dump(json.load(sys.stdin), sys.stdout)” < ipf_alerts.json Copy/paste output in [...]

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Runtime fault injection platform by Daniele Rizzieri

Runtime fault injection platform by Daniele Rizzieri (2021)This platform executes N times a binary and during each execution it injects a bitflip in a random register, at a random time, then let the execution finish and observes/reports the outcomes. Requirements Required Linux packages: python3 procps gdb (configured with –with-python option, usually by default) Test Binary File Guidelines In order to be properly testable, the program under test must be compliant with the following guidelines: Application’s output must be redirected to […]

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ALIbaba’s Collection of Encoder-decoders from MinD (Machine IntelligeNce of Damo) Lab

AliceMind: ALIbaba’s Collection of Encoder-decoders from MinD (Machine IntelligeNce of Damo) Lab This repository provides pre-trained encoder-decoder models and its related optimization techniques developed by Alibaba’s MinD (Machine IntelligeNce of Damo) Lab. The family of AliceMind: Language understanding model: StructBERT (ICLR 2020) Generative language model: PALM (EMNLP 2020) Cross-lingual language model: VECO (ACL 2021) Cross-modal language model: StructVBERT (CVPR 2020 VQA Challenge Runner-up) Structural language model: StructuralLM (ACL 2021) Chinese language understanding model with multi-granularity inputs: LatticeBERT (NAACL 2021) Pre-training […]

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