A new data augmentation strategy utilizing the natural structural complexity of pictures such as fractals

Introduction In real-world applications of machine learning, reliable and safe systems must considermeasures of performance beyond standard test set accuracy. These other goalsinclude out-of-distribution (OOD) robustness, prediction consistency, resilience toadversaries, calibrated uncertainty estimates, and the ability to detect anomalousinputs. However, improving performance towards these goals is often a balancingact that today’s methods cannot achieve without sacrificing performance on othersafety axes. For instance, adversarial training improves adversarial robustnessbut sharply degrades other classifier performance metrics. Similarly, strong dataaugmentation and regularization techniques often […]

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Comprehensive OpenAPI schema generator for Django based on pydantic

Automated OpenAPI documentation generator for Django. Djagger helps you generate a complete and comprehensive API documentation of your Django project by utilizing pydantic to create schema objects for your views. Djagger is designed to be: 🧾 Comprehensive – ALL aspects of your API should be document-able straight from your views, to the full extent of the OpenAPi 3.0 specification. 👐 Unintrusive – Integrate easily with your existing Django project. Djagger can document vanilla Django views (function-based and class-based views), as […]

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You’ll never use the cd cmd again

Ever used the cd command? You’ll never touch that outdated thing again when you try jmp. Navigate your filesystem with unprecedented speed, agility, and dexterity NEVER seen before. Given a set of regular expressions, jmp will intelligently search through your files and cd you into your intended directory. Supports blacklisting and aliasing for optimal search performance. Offers entire jmp suite for unmatched convenience. We don’t live forever, so why waste a single second more of your life typing unnecessarily long […]

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Typing test and practice on command line without the need of any internet connection

Typing test and practice on command line without the need of any internet connection About CLI based typing test and practice that focuses on providing a quick and easy way to practice your typing skills without all the fuss of ads, login and data collection. Requirements and Installation English Words Library Install english_words library by copying, pasting and running the below line of code in your terminal pip3 install english_words Typing Test Download the python script by running the following […]

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Cycle Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation (CyCADA)

A pytorch implementation of CyCADA. If you use this code in your research please consider citing @inproceedings{Hoffman_cycada2017,       authors = {Judy Hoffman and Eric Tzeng and Taesung Park and Jun-Yan Zhu,             and Phillip Isola and Kate Saenko and Alexei A. Efros and Trevor Darrell},       title = {CyCADA: Cycle Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation},       booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},       year = 2018} Setup Check out the repo (recursively will also checkout the CyCADA fork of the CycleGAN repo).git clone –recursive […]

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Official repository for Fourier model that can generate periodic signals

Jiyoung Lee, Wonjae Kim, Daehoon Gwak, Edward Choi This repository provides official pytorch implementation of Fourier-Based Decoder which can generate periodic signals. The paper can be found in this link: Conditional Generation of Periodic Signals with Fourier-Based Decoder Pytorch version >= 1.7.1 Python version >= 3.7 This repository is MIT-licensed. Please cite as: @inproceedings{lee2021conditional, title={Conditional Generation of Periodic Signals with Fourier-Based Decoder}, author={Lee, Jiyoung and Kim, Wonjae and Gwak, Daehoon and Choi, Edward}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},   […]

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MCRPC (Minecraft Resource Pack Comparator) checks your resource pack against any version of Minecraft

MCRPC checks your resource pack against any version of Minecraft to show resources missing from your pack for that version. Installation and usage Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/txtsd/mcrpc.git You will need Python Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt Or if you have pipenv (preferred), install the pipenv environment and dependencies: pipenv install pipenv shell Finally, run Follow the prompts, and you will get a list of missing resources. Screenshot

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Triangulation Supports Agricultural Spread

How to cite If you use these data please cite Description This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license Statistics Varieties: 101 Concepts: 254 Lexemes: 26,224 Sources: 0 Synonymy: 1.08 Cognacy: 26,224 cognates in 3,173 cognate sets (812 singletons) Cognate Diversity: 0.11 Invalid lexemes: 0 Tokens: 115,799 Segments: 367 (0 BIPA errors, 0 CTLS sound class errors, 369 CLTS modified) Inventory    

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Plenoxels: Radiance Fields without Neural Networks

Alex Yu*, Sara Fridovich-Keil*, Matthew Tancik, Qinhong Chen, Benjamin Recht, Angjoo Kanazawa UC Berkeley Website and video: https://alexyu.net/plenoxels arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05131 Note: This JAX implementation is intended to be high-level and user-serviceable, but is much slower (roughly 1 hour per epoch) than the CUDA implementation https://github.com/sxyu/svox2 (roughly 1 minute per epoch), and there is not perfect feature alignment between the two versions. This JAX version can likely be sped up significantly, and we may push performance improvements and extra features in […]

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