A TensorFlow implementation for C2-Rec

This is a TensorFlow implementation for C2-Rec We refer to the repo SASRec. Requirements requirement.txt Datasets This repo includes Amazon Beauty dataset as an example. you could also download Amazon review data from here. Model Training To train model on Beauty: python main.py –dataset=Beauty –train_dir=model_train –maxlen=50 –dropout_rate=0.5 –con_alpha=5.0 –rd_alpha=1.0 –neg_test=500 –user_reg_type=kl –lr=0.001 –rd_reduce=mean –neg_sample_n=50 GitHub View Github    

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A Fast Command Analyser based on Dict and Pydantic

Alconna 隶属于ArcletProject, 在Cesloi内有内置 Alconna 是 Cesloi-CommandAnalysis 的高级版,支持解析消息链 一般情况下请当作简易的消息链解析器/命令解析器 文档 暂时的文档 Example from arclet.alconna import Alconna from arclet.alconna.component import Option, Subcommand from arclet.alconna.types import AnyStr cmd = Alconna( command=”/pip”, options=[ Subcommand(“install”, Option(“–upgrade”), pak_name=AnyStr) Option(“list”), ] ) msg =    

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A graphql API build using ariadne python that serves a graphql-endpoint at port 3002 to perform language translation

Language Translation and Identification this machine/deep learning api that will be served as a graphql-api using ariadne, to perform the following tasks. 1. Language Identification Identifying the language which the text belongs to using a simple text classification model. This model will be able to identify 7 different languages: english (en) french (fr) german (de) spanish (es) italian (it) portuguese (pt) swedish (sw) 2. Language Translation Language translation offers a bi-direction english to another language translation for example `english-to-french`. The […]

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An open source movie recommendation WebApp build by movie buffs and mathematicians that uses cosine similarity on the backend

About The Project There are many great streaming services to watch movies online in todays day and age. However, their build in content suggestion system is quite a bit broken and often times distracting, as convenient as it may be. This was the inspiration behind this Project. To iteratively build the best Movie Recommendation System that asks you what type of movie you would like to watch, no tell you what you should be watching in an intrusive way. Why […]

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Log4j rce test environment and poc

log4j rce test environment see: https://www.lunasec.io/docs/blog/log4j-zero-day/ using the included python poc build Either build the jar on your host with mvn clean compile assembly:single Or use docker to build an image with docker build -t log4jpwn . run The server will log 3 things (which are also the triggers). You don’t have to set all 3: The User-Agent header content The request path The pwn query string parameter To use: Run the container with docker run –rm -p8080:8080 log4jpwn (or […]

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Official Pytorch implementation for Deep Contextual Video Compression, NeurIPS 2021

Official Pytorch Implementation for Deep Contextual Video Compression, NeurIPS 2021 Python 3.8 and conda, get Conda CUDA 11.0 Environment conda create -n $YOUR_PY38_ENV_NAME python=3.8 conda activate $YOUR_PY38_ENV_NAME pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Currenlty the spatial resolution of video needs to be cropped into the integral times of 64. The dataset format can be seen in dataset_config_example.json. For example, one video of HEVC Class B can be prepared as: Crop the original YUV […]

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Component for deep integration LedFx from Home Assistant

Component for deep integration LedFx from Home Assistant. FAQ Q. What versions were tested on? A. So far only 0.10.7 Q. Does it support audio settings? A. Yes, it supports Q. Can I change the effect settings? A. You can, for this, enable the appropriate mode from the [PRO] section. The required objects will only be available when supported by the effect. Install Installed through the custom repository HACS – dmamontov/hass-ledfx Or by copying the ledfx folder from the latest […]

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Check broken access control exists in the Java web application

Check broken access control exists in the Java web application. 检查 Java Web 应用程序中是否存在访问控制绕过问题。 python3 javaEeAccessControlCheck.py “” python3 javaEeAccessControlCheck.py “” -data id=1 python3 javaEeAccessControlCheck.py “” -data-json ‘{“id”:1}’ python3 javaEeAccessControlCheck.py “” -all python3 javaEeAccessControlCheck.py “” -data-json ‘{“id”:1}’ -all [GET]自动判断/Automatic judgment [GET]所有Payload长度/All Response Length [POST]自动判断/Automatic judgment [POST]所有Payload长度/All Response Length

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