Manipulation OpenAI Gym environments to simulate robots at the STARS lab

This repository contains a set of manipulation environments that are compatible with OpenAI Gym and simulated in pybullet. In particular, we have a set of environments with a simulated version of our lab’s mobile manipulator, the Thing, containing a UR10 mounted on a Ridgeback base, as well as a set of environments using a table-mounted Franka Emika Panda. The package currently contains variations of the following tasks: Reach Lift Stack Pick and Place Sort Insert Pick and Insert Door Open […]

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Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests

Log4jake works by spidering a web application for GET/POST requests. It will then automatically execute the GET/POST requests, filling any discovered parameters with the ${jndi:ldap://:389} Log4j payload. Note that this tool is designed to work simultaneously with a NetCat listener. If you want to test behind authentication, use the commented ‘#req.add_header(‘Authorization’, “token_goes_here”)’ line to add the proper token. If you are experiencing SSL errors, use the commented ‘#context = ssl._create_unverified_context()’ line in addition to ‘resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=context)’ Syntax:

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Official code for Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018)

MUC Next Check-ins Prediction via History and Friendship on Location-Based Social Networks (MDM 2018) Performance Details for Accuracy: | Dataset | [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] | | ———- | ————| ————-| —————| | Foursquare | 0.8389 | 0.9105 | 0.9368 | | Gowalla | 0.7522 | 0.846 | 0.8866 | The performance of our framework on Foursquare and Gowalla.   To finish reading, please visit source site

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Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code (Incomplete)

Python module that parse power builder file (PBD) and analyze code (Incomplete)this tool is composed of: this tool extract files from pbd file and save it to folder named after extract pbd into folder you can use this tool to decompile supported files (“win”, “fun”, “udo”) this tool is used to decompile one file with extension (“win”, “fun”, “udo”) by create a folder with name of the file and put inside it the code in hierarchical all […]

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Controlling the MicriSpotAI robot from scratch

Controlling the MicriSpotAI robot from scratch Colaborators Components from MicroSpot The MicriSpotAI has the following components: Conection to Raspbperry Pi To connect to the MicroSpot robot you must use their own hotspot network, but this type of configuration produces that the Raspberry Pi and the laptop does not have internet connection, which is a problem. For this reason we looked for another type of access from a laptop to the Raspberry Pi. So, there are several configurations for the SSH […]

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A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of stocks

I dont mind anyone using this code but please give me credit A program that uses an API and a AI model to get info of stocks Make sure the program is in a folder in which it can create a text file to store the information if you need it. Your program output if your using a text file should look something like this: If however you are using the console it will show something like this. I will […]

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Monify: an Expense tracker Program implemented in a Graphical User Interface that allows users to keep track of their expenses

Description Monify is an Expense tracker Program implemented in a Graphical User Interface allows users to add income and expense based on categories & date (Food & Drinks, Groceries, Shopping, Housing, Transportation, Life & Entertainment, Miscellaneous). It also gives the functionality to Add budget per month, Input of debts and An operation to view the statistics of spending and where their money goes based on categories in a visual representation pie chart (shows the total amount spent in each category) […]

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