A Python API For Questionnaire

Окружение проекта: python 3.8 Django 2.2.10 djangorestframework Склонируйте репозиторий с помощью git: git clone https://github.com/PontificSalivan/ApiForQuestionnaire Перейдите в директорию проекта: Запустите команду docker: или sudo docker-compose build Создайте миграции приложения для базы данных: docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate или sudo docker-compose run web python manage.py migrate Создайте суперпользователя:

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Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals

Auto-Lama combines object detection and image inpainting to automate object removals. It is build on top of DE:TR from Facebook Research and Lama from Samsung Research. The entire process is extremely simple: Objects are detected using the detector. Masks are generated based on the bounding boxes drawn by the detector. The original image is sent to the inpainter along with the masks. Demo Masking There are currently a few ways of generating masks: Masking objects with specified indices. Masking one […]

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Scan all java processes on your host to check weather it’s affected by log4j2 remote code execution

Log4j 漏洞本地检测脚本,扫描主机上所有java进程,检测是否引入了有漏洞的log4j-core jar包,是否可能遭到远程代码执行攻击(CVE-2021-45046)。上传扫描报告到指定的服务器。 Scan all java processes on your host to check weather it’s affected by log4j2 remote code execution(CVE-2021-45046), then upload the report to your api server. Works under python2.7 / 2.6 / 3.x, no extra lib required. 扫描逻辑 遍历主机上的java进程 遍历java进程打开的jar包 查找log4j-core-* jar包 递归解压其他 jar包,查找log4j-core-* jar包 在log4j-core jar包中,查找JndiLookup.class 找到JndiLookup.class后,根据其版本号 、jvm参数、OS环境变量、是否docker容器进程、k8s进程,输出是否存在漏洞,输出升级提示 上传扫描结果到指定的服务器 How It Works Find all java process on the host Find all jar files open by the java process Search for log4j-core-*.jar Recursively unzip other jar files,search for […]

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Highly decentralized and censorship-resistant way to store key data

Beacon coin is a Chia singelton coin that can store data that needs to be: always available censorship resistant versioned potentially immutable You might want to use it for coordinating peers in a network, storing DNS information or whatever else you think of. (please share though).I wrote this mainly to learn more about Chialisp and explore smart coins in Chia Network (especially singletons).I used some general principles that could be expanded to implement a smart contract type of coin, with […]

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A simple program to display current playing from Spotify app on your desktop

A simple program to display current playing from Spotify app on your desktop How to Use: Linux: Currently Supports GNOME and KDE. If you want to support your Desktop Environment and know how to set wallpaper via command line, please create an issue. Download the installer from here and go to the path where you downloaded the installer to and do chmod +x wallspotInstaller.sh and ./wallspotInstaller.sh Now you can find a menu entry named “WallSpot” in your applications menu. You […]

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reCaptchaBypasser For Bypass Any reCaptcha For Selenium Python

‘ from selenium import webdriver from reCaptchaBypasser import reCaptchaScraper import time driver = webdriver.chrome(executable_path = r”home/username/Desktop/chromedriver”) driver.get(url) time.sleep(5) reCaptcha = reCaptchaScraper(driver) res = reCaptcha.reCaptchaGoogleV2() if res == True: print(“ByPassed !!!”) else: print(“Try Again !!!”) This is Library For Bypass reCaptcha Using Selenium Python ! Installition : 1 – ffmpeg 2 – pip install pydub 3 – pip install selenium 4 – pip install SpeechRecognition 5 – pip install reCaptchaBypasser Bitcoin : bc1qe398slzs3f3yg64x62j2rpnfg5r9u3mjwhwew9 BitcoinCash : qqf234070h7h9zam4zm0j4yeeq89nrjkcqn9cnedup Litecoin : ltc1qtmv8jngy4ltqf2yqm3lmd5p33clxcp6u6uu5t2 Dogecoin : […]

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Machine Translation Weekly 97: Multilingual and Non-autoregressive MT at the same time

Multilingual machine translation models look very promising, especially for low-resource languages that can benefit from similar patterns in similar languages. A new preprint with authors from the University of Maryland and Google Research studies how these results transfer to non-autoregressive machine translation models. The title of the paper is Can Multilinguality benefit Non-autoregressive Machine Translation?. Spoiler: it is not as good as it might seem. The paper tries to answer two questions: First, is it better to use a multilingual […]

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Dependency Management With Python Poetry

When your Python project relies on external packages, you need to make sure you’re using the right version of each package. After an update, a package might not work as it did before the update. A dependency manager like Python Poetry helps you specify, install, and resolve external packages in your projects. This way, you can be sure that you always work with the right dependency version on every machine. Using Poetry will help you start new projects, maintain existing […]

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Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning

A PyTorch implementation which refers to repo for the paper Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning by Xinlei Chen & Kaiming He Additional functionals support graph data additional graph augmentations is added Training training gcn on ciaw datasetCUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_ciaw.py –data_dir ../Data/ –log_dir ./logs/ -c configs/simsiam_ciaw.yaml –ckpt_dir ~/.cache/ –hide_progress GitHub View Github    

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