STAR: A Structure-aware Lightweight Transformer for Real-time Image Enhancement

STAR-pytorch Implementation for paper “STAR: A Structure-aware Lightweight Transformer for Real-time Image Enhancement” (ICCV 2021). CVF (pdf) STAR-DCE The pytorch implementation of low light enhancement with STAR on Adobe-MIT FiveK dataset. You can find it in STAR-DCE directory. Here we adopt the pipleline of Zero-DCE ( paper | code ), just replacing the CNN backbone with STAR. In Zero-DCE, for each image the network will regress a group of curves, which will then applied on the source image iteratively. You […]

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A great python/java dynamic DNS service for NameSilo, with log, email reminder

简体中文 | English NameSilo DDNS is a DDNS service for NameSilo domain names for home broadband , it can automatically detect IP changes in home broadband and automatically update the resolution of the domain name. This project has been refactored via Python3, to view the Java version please switch branches. This program is only available for domain names purchased on NameSilo. This program obtains the public IP address of home broadband by visiting, and queries and updates the DNS […]

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Cookiecutter Flask OpenAPI is a template for jumpstarting production-ready Flask projects quickly

💻A full-featured Flask + API + OAS3 + JWT + SwaggerUI + ORM + Migrations + Great and Scalable structure project template 👉It’s using latest Flask 1.2 Flask 2 is coming soon😎 It uses PostgreSQL everywhere, so Docker is necessary (SQLite with no Docker dependency is on the roadmap)😎 Why using this boilerplate❓ Focus on the business and creating value Faster project setup Standard project structure organization (easy to scale) Better QA What’s    

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RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API

RapiDAST provides a framework for continuous, proactive and fully automated dynamic scanning against web apps/API. Its core engine is OWASP ZAP Proxy ( Taking advantage of the ZAP container, this project provides value as follows: Easy automation(via fully working in CLI with yaml configuration) of API scanning based on OAS definition Create users’ own custom rules via yaml files XML, HTML, JSON report generation podman or docker is required. For podman $ pip3 install podman-compose $ podman pull Get […]

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A Telegram bot to index Chinese and Japanese group contents, works with @lilydjwg/luoxu

luoxu-bot 是类似于 luoxu-web 的 CJK 友好的 Telegram Bot,依赖于 luoxu 所创建的后端。 开发中使用到的 Telethon 需要 Python 3+ 前往 luoxu 根据相关内容配置并运行 luoxu,等待消息索引完毕 由于 Telegram 的消息样式问题,建议修改 luoxu 项目中的 luoxu/ 文件,将 SEARCH_LIMIT 修改为 10 克隆 本项目 , 并使用 pip3 install -r requirements.txt 等方式安装依赖 前往 My Telegram ,获取 API development tools 中的 api_id 和 api_hash 在 Telegram 中向 @BotFather 申请 Bot,获取 bot token(由数字:数字字母构成,如1111122222:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) 在 Telegram 中向 @getidsbot 发送 /start 以获取你的 Telegram 账号 ID(my_id) 打开 并填写相关字段(如果你在 luoxu 中修改了接口的端口或者前缀等,请同步修改) 使用 python3 运行项目,当出现 开摆 时代表项目已启动,可以向自己的 Bot 尝试发送指令(请提前向自己的 […]

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Aircache: an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating

Aircache is an open-source caching and security solution that can be integrated with most decoupled apps that use REST APIs for communicating. It follows microservice compatibility and makes it possible to integrate it as part of a more comprehensive solution just as caching and security layer or on its own for increasing speed and decreasing the rate limit impact of no-code and low-code solutions. Why Caching? The reason that someone should use a caching solution is that caching can speed […]

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Pre-trained Deep Convolution Neural Network Model With Attention for Speech Emotion Recognition

Pre-trained Deep Convolution Neural Network Model With Attention for Speech Emotion RecognitionHua Zhang, Ruoyun Gou, Jili Shang, Fangyao Shen, Yifan Wu and Guojun Dai Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) is a difficult and challenging task because of the affective variances between different speakers. The performances of SER are extremely reliant on the extracted features from speech signals. To establish an effective features extracting and classification model is still a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a new method for […]

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Lightweight asyncio compatible utilities for consuming broker messages

aio-message-handler A simple asyncio compatible consumer for handling amqp messages. Installation pip install aio-message-handler Usage example Simple consumer: import asyncio from aio_message_handler.consumer import Consumer async def main(): consumer = Consumer(“amqp://guest:[email protected]/”) @consumer.message_handler(exchange=”myexchange”, binding_key=”key”) async def handler(msg): print(‘received:’, msg.body) msg.ack() await consumer.start()    

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Simulate & classify transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS) spectral features for bulk semiconducting materials (Post-DFT)

PyTASER is a Python (3.9+) library and set of command-line tools for classifying spectral features in bulk materials, post-DFT. The goal of this library is to provide qualitative comparisons for experimental TAS spectra – a complex and tedious process, especially for pristine materials. The main features include: An interactive TAS spectrum for a pristine semiconducting material Isolating spectra for individual band transitions from the overall TAS spectrum for the material. Spectra in different conditions: temperature, carrier concentrations (analogous to pump-probe […]

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