Licensing-API: an API to create, manage and check keys for your projects

Licensing-API is an API to create, manage and check keys for your projects. Preview Features Web Interface Create/Delete/Activate/Deactivate Keys over WI or API Login Signup Password Fernet Encryption Automatic Key Counter What’s not covered? Anti-Bruteforce-Defence Sql-Injection (not-tested) Api-Limit I’m just a junior backend dev, and wasn’t able to cover these protections,because of missing Knowledge and this Project was made in 5 days, and I want to go on. Open a terminal Clone Repo cd (your folder) git clone Run […]

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The reference baseline of final exam for XMU machine learning course

The baseline is a reference method for the final exam of machine learning course. Requirements Installation we use /python3.7 /torch 1.4.0+cpu /torchvision 0.5.0+cpu for training and evaluation. You can install the pytorch1.4.0 by using this. conda install pytorch==1.4.0 torchvision==0.5.0 cpuonly -c pytorch By the way, you can also use the pytorch with cuda to train this baseline. Prepare Datasets You need to create the ./data/ folder and put the ./mini_nico/train and ./mini_nico/test in Mini-NICO dataset to the ./data/ directory like

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A cairo port for Rari Capital Vaults

Architecture contracts ├─ CryptFactory — “Factory for deploying Crypt contracts for any ERC20 token.” ├─ Crypt — “Flexible, minimalist, and gas-optimized yield aggregator for earning interest on ERC20 tokens.” tests ├─ test_cryptFactory — “Test the CryptFactory contract.” └─ test_crypt – “Test the Crypt contract.” Contributing First time? Further installation instructions provided    

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Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations

Abstraction of a Unit, includes convertions and basic operations. —— EXAMPLE : Free Fall (No air resistance) ——- from units_test import Unit, Constants g = Constants.g velocity = Unit(1, “km.s^-1”) time = Unit(2, “min”) distance = – g*time**2*(1/2) + velocity*time print( distance ) # Unit( 4.93680e+04 m ) print(“mi”).text() ) # 105.24040 mi Notes: When having a unit to the zero e.g. km^0 in an operation, it’ll give a float, ussually Cannot multiply by const on the left i.e. […]

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Quickhull Algorithm implemented in Python

This is an implementation of the QuickHull algorithm in Python. It randomly generates a set of points and finds the convex hull of this set of points using the Quickhull algorithm. More details about QuickHull algorithm here: Quickhull Algorithm If this code helped you visualize and understand the Quickhull algorithm, please give this repo a star! ⭐ To get this code to run on your machine, you will need to follows these steps: Clone this repo to your local machine […]

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Make a Turtlebot3 follow a figure 8 trajectory and create a robot arm and make it follow a trajectory

Part 1:Makes the robot move in a figure 8 shape. The robot starts moving when launched on a real turtlebot3 and can be paused and resumed. Part 2:Defines a two arm robot with an end effector. When launched the robot arm moves in a trajectory and also shows markers at the end effector in rviz Part 1: There are two modes for this robot. To launch the sim version, one can run roslaunch homework2 figure_eight.launch mode:=sim. The math tat defines […]

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The scripts used for the project of ‘Assembly of a pan-genome for global cattle reveals missing sequence and novel structural variation

These are the scripts used for the project of ‘Assembly of a pan-genome for global cattle reveals missing sequence and novel structural variation, providing new insights into their diversity and evolution history’. The Deletion list needs to be constructed. We used the results of four software, retaining 50bp to 50 Mbp, at least two software-supported SV (overlapping 80%).First, The result files generated by the four software programs was normalized to extract the breakpoint information of SV.Then, integrate the results of […]

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Dual languaged (rus+eng) tool for packing and unpacking archives of Silky Engine

English Dual languaged (rus+eng) GUI tool for packing and unpacking archives of Silky Engine. It is not the same arc as used in Ai6WIN. If you want to work with Silky Engine’s .mes scripts, use mesScriptAsseAndDisassembler instead. Why this tool was created, if there are other tools that can work with this type of archive? The answer is simple: because there was no actually good enough tools. One tool can only extract the data, other — only pack, but without […]

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Telegram Bot to save Posts or Files that can be Accessed via Special Links

Bot Telegram untuk menyimpan Posting atau File yang dapat Diakses melalui Link Khusus. Jika Anda memerlukan tambahan module lagi dalam repo atau Jika Anda menemukan bug, silahkan report di group @OkaeriUserbot Features Sepenuhnya dapat dicustom. Pesan sambutan & Forcesub yang dapat dicustom. Lebih dari satu Posting dalam Satu Link (batch). Dapat di-deploy di heroku secara langsung. Setup Tambahkan bot ke Channel Database dengan semua izin admin Tambahkan bot ke Channel ForceSub tambahkan bot sebagai ADMIN Tambahkan bot ke Group ForceSub […]

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