Attention for PyTorch with Linear Memory Footprint

Unofficially implements to get Linear Memory Cost on Attention (+ some sidekick speedup on the GPU when compared to reference implementation in JAX) Usage: git clone cd linear_mem_attention_pytorch python install Usage: High Level from linear_mem_attention_torch.

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GUI for visualization and interactive editing of SMPL-family body models ie. SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAME

Introduction This is a simple Open3D-based GUI for SMPL-family body models. This GUI lets youplay with the shape, expression, and pose parameters of SMPL, SMPL-X, MANO, FLAMEbody models. Features include: Interactive editing of shape, expression, pose parameters 01_model_editing.mp4 Visualize body model joints and joint names 02_visualize_joints.mp4 Simple IK solver to match an input pose 03_simple_ik.mp4 Save edited model parameters 04_save_params.mp4 05_viewing.mp4

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A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects

A low dependency and really simple to start project template for Python Projects. HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE DO NOT FORK this is meant to be used from Use this template feature. Click on Use this template Give a name to your project(e.g. my_awesome_project recommendation is to use all lowercase and underscores separation for repo names.) Wait until the first run of CI finishes(Github Actions will process the template and commit to your new repo) If you want codecov Reports […]

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A refresher for PowerBI Desktop documents

pip install PowerBI_refresher-NPP usage: refresh.cpython-39.pyc [-h] [–init-wait NUM_SEC] [–refresh-wait NUM_SEC] [-f RUTA] [-q] [-v] Serveix per actualitzar dashboard de PowerBI desktop localment. optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit –init-wait NUM_SEC temps d’espera d’obertura    

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Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Guided Dropout

This is a simple implementation of Guided Dropout for research.We try to reproduce the algorithm according to the paper published in AAA-19, but we can’t guarantee the performance reported in the paper.We will list some experiment results soon. TODO Release the reproduced code list experiment results … Setup pip install -r requirements.txt Run Run Guided Dropout on CIFAR10 Dataset (mlp 3 hidden layers with 1024 nodes) python –dataset CIFAR10 –arc mlp –mlp-depth 3 –hidden-dim 1024 -e    

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2021 Competition for Scene-Text-Detection-and-Recognition

The models Our model comprises two parts: scene text detection and scene text recognition. the descriptions of these two models are as follow: Scene Text Detection We employ YoloV5 [1] to detect the ROI (Region Of Interest) from an image and Resnet50 [2] to implement the ROI transformation algorithm. This algorithm transforms the coordinates detected by YoloV5 to the proper location, which fits the text well. YoloV5 can detect all ROIs that might be strings while ROI transformation can make […]

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Pytorch based library to rank predicted bounding boxes using text/image user’s prompts

Pytorch based library to rank predicted bounding boxes using text/image user’s prompts. Usually, object detection models trains to detect common classes of objects such as “car”, “person”, “cup”, “bottle”. But sometimes we need to detect more complex classes such as “lady in the red dress”, “bottle of whiskey”, or “where is my red cup” instead of “person”, “bottle”, “cup” respectively. One way to solve this problem is to train more complex detectors that can detect more complex classes, but we […]

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