MS-FSRVP coercion abuse PoC

MS-FSRVP coercion abuse PoC Credits: Gilles LIONEL (a.k.a. Topotam)Source: Explanation: MS Docs: “File Server VSS Agent Service” needs to be enabled on the target server. -d “domain” -u “user” -p “password” LISTENER TARGET In my tests, the coercion needed to be attempted twice in order to work when the FssAgent hadn’t been requested in a while. TL;DR: run the command twice if it doesn’t work. GitHub View Github    

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Minecraft Multi-Server Pinger Discord Embed

Minecraft Multi-Server Pinger Discord Embed What does this bot do?It sends an embed and uses mcsrvstat API and checks if the list of your servers are online or notOnce it sends the embed, it will store the message ID, and edits the embed once refreshes. You can store an array of servers and asks it whether to get player number or not,Good for monitoring Minecraft networks. How to host yourself?Edit the config.json file and enter your detailsEdit the file […]

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Monitoring plugin for MikroTik devices for Icinga/Nagios/

This is a monitoring plugin for Icinga, Nagios and other compatible monitoring solutions to check MikroTik devices running RouterOS.It uses the API to fetch the required information. Requirements Installation PIP If you want to use pip we recommend to use as virtualenv to install the dependencies. pip install -r requirements.txt Copy the script into your plugin directory. Debian/Ubuntu Install the required packages sudo apt-get install python3 python3-click python3-librouteros python3-nagiosplugin Copy the script into your plugin directory. Usage To […]

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A CLI for advanced management of your notes with simple commands

This is a CLI for advanced management of your notes with simple commands. To use this app, simpy clone this repo and place your notes into storage folder. You can set up the relative path and name of the folder with notes in scripts/ To manage your notes, just run python There are scripts which help to work with text in the files in the scripts/ You can add your own functions in the scripts/ Don’t forget to register […]

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Remote sensing change detection using PaddlePaddle

Developing and benchmarking deep learning-based remote sensing change detection methods using PaddlePaddle. CDLab also has a PyTorch version. Currently, this repo contains more model implementations, dataset interfaces, and configuration files. Prerequisites opencv-python==4.1.1paddlepaddle-gpu==2.2.0visualdl==2.2.1pyyaml==5.1.2scikit-image==0.15.0scikit-learn==0.21.3scipy==1.3.1tqdm==4.35.0 Tested using Python 3.7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04. Get Started In src/, change the dataset locations to your own. Model Training To train a model from scratch, use python train –exp_config PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE A few configuration files regarding different datasets and models are provided in the configs/ folder for […]

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Unofficial code reproducing Agent57

This repository contains unofficial code reproducing Agent57, which outperformed humans in all Atari games. define agent to play a supecific environment. define buffer to store experiences with priorites. define learner to update parameter such as q networks and functions related to intrinsic reward. run the main pipeline. define some models such as q network and functions related to intrinsic reward. define segment tree which decide segment index according to the priority. define tester […]

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对naabu的端口扫描结果,调用nmap进行指纹识别 需要root权限 ➜ sudo python3 -h usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] please enter two parameters … optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -f FILE, –file FILE -o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT ➜ sudo python3 -f naabu_result.txt -o nmap_result.csv 保存为csv格式的文件 ip port name product version extrainfo

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unofficial pytorch implement of “Squareplus: A Softplus-Like Algebraic Rectifier”

unofficial pytorch implement of “Squareplus: A Softplus-Like Algebraic Rectifier” SquarePlus Squareplus is a Softplus-Like activation function. It is a very simple smooth approximation of ReLU. The form of squareplus is very simple. It only uses addition, multiplication, division and square root: b>0 in this form. When b=0, it degenerates to ReLU(x)=max(x,0) The original paper pointed out that since only addition, multiplication, division and square root are used, the speed of squareplus (mainly on the CPU) will be faster than SoftPlus […]

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