A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds

A tool to convert colorful pictures to GB Studio-compatible colorized backgrounds. Made by NalaFala/Yousurname/Y0UR-U5ERNAME. Requirements Python (install from https://www.python.org/downloads/) Pillow (install using the instructions here) Run the program using the command py img2gbc.py. The program will ask for the file location of the image. It will resize the image to 160×144 and output a colorized image (note that the colors in this image are not 15-bit) and an uncolorized image (to use in GB Studio). It will also output palette […]

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Instagram-follower-bot – An Instagram follower bot written in Python

An Instagram follower bot written in Python. The bot follows the follower of which account you want. e.g. (You want to follow @username’s followers) and you can take follow back from his followers. Hereby, you will earn more followers. Download the Python 3 installer package from the official website and install it, if not installed previously. Run the following in the terminal to install the modules to run your program without excussions. Also to use this bot, you should download […]

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Fake news detector filters – Smart filter project allow to classify the quality of information and web pages

fake-news-detector-1.0 Lists, lists and more lists… Spam filter list, quality keyword list, stoplist list, top-domains urls list, news agencies websites list, university websites list, business websites lists and government organizations lists. This gives us an initial score for the authority presenting the information. If we can verify the source we are on the right track for building a fake news detector. SPAM FILTER The spam filter also gives us clues on the quality of the source. TESTING, TESTING and TESTING […]

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Simple Python script that dumps a Wikidot wiki forum into JSON structures

Script is partially based on 2stacks by bluesoul: https://github.com/scuttle/2stacks To dump a Wiki’s forum, edit config.py and put the required Wiki name (default — scp-wiki, which is the SCP EN community). If your forum is too large, you may edit threads parameter in config.py, however make sure you don’t overload Wikidot with requests — no one knows what that may result in. Then make sure you have the following Python packages: beautifulsoup4 Run python . to start dumping. Note: incremental […]

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Lets you remove all friends, leave GCs, and leave servers, in an instant

Lets you remove all friends, leave GCs, and leave servers, in an instant! You can also do each of them by themselves. First, you need to get python, at . Next you need to download the file, by hitting the “code” button and hitting “download ZIP” Unzip the folder. Once you are done, goto the address bar on your explorer window while in the anonymity folder. Type in “cmd” and hit enter. Type in “pip install requirements.txt” (without quotations). Once […]

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42 Event notifier using 42API and Github Actions

42서울 Agenda에 새로운 이벤트가 등록되면 알려드립니다! 현재는 Github Issue로 등록되므로 상단 Issue 탭에서 확인하시거나 Watch -> Custom -> Issues 체크박스를 통해 알림을 받으실 수 있습니다. 나중에는 Slack, Discord, Telegram 등을 통해 알림을 받을 수 있도록 업데이트 할 예정입니다. GitHub View Github    

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Minimal code and simple experiments to play with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)

All experiments have tensorboard visualizations for samples / train curves etc. To run the toy data experiments: python scripts/train_toy.py –dataset swissroll –save_path logs/swissroll To run the discrete mode collapse experiment: python scripts/train_mnist.py –save_path logs/mnist_3 –n_stack 3 This requires the pretrained mnist classifier: python scripts/train/mnist_classifier.py To run the CIFAR image generation experiment: python scripts/train_cifar.py –save_path logs/cifar To run the CelebA image generation experiments: python scripts/train_celeba.py –save_path logs/celeba GitHub

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Static Code Analysis: a code comprehensive analysis platform

TCA, Tencent Cloud Code Analysis English | 简体中文 What is TCA Tencent Cloud Code Analysis (TCA for short, code-named CodeDog inside the company early) is a code comprehensive analysis platform, which includes three components: server, web and client. It supports the integration of common code analysis tools in the industry. Its main function is to ensure the code quality under agile iterations of multiple engineering projects, and Support the team to inherit the code culture. Code analysis is to analyze […]

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