U-2-Net: U Square Net – Modified for paired image training of style transfer

This is an unofficial repo making use of the code which was made available by the original author team of U2-Net (U square net) published in Pattern Recognition 2020: @InProceedings{Qin_2020_PR, title = {U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection}, author = {Qin, Xuebin and Zhang, Zichen and Huang, Chenyang and Dehghan, Masood and Zaiane, Osmar and Jagersand, Martin}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, volume = {106}, pages = {107404}, year = {2020} }    

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Snowfall – helpful image handling utils – abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions

helpful image handling utils – abstracts various file and opencv and pil features into result oriented functions from image_handlers import * load an image – a simple task in theory but often set with details…is the file there? is the argument a string and not a PathLib object, should it be loaded as rgb or bgr format? example: opencv continues to have BGR as it’s channel format, vs PIL and the rest of the world use RGB format. A common […]

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MOHAconfig – Configuration file generator for Medal of Honor: Airborne

Gerador de arquivo de configuração para Medal of Honor: Airborne Essa aplicação foi feita em python 3.9.2 e permite gerar um arquivo de configuração para o jogo Medal of Honor: Airborne. A interface é simples e funcional. Idioma da aplicação é português do brasil. A aplicação é compatível com windows 10 x86 e x64. A interface foi desenvolvida usando o Tkinter do python. o executável foi gerado usando o cx_freeze. GitHub View Github    

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Let’s pretend you want to create a AWS Lambda project called “sns-processor”

Usage Let’s pretend you want to create a AWS Lambda project called “sns-processor”. Rather than using lambda and then editing the results to include your name, email, and various configuration issues that always get forgotten until the worst possible moment, get cookiecutter_ to do all the work. First, get Cookiecutter. Trust me, it’s awesome:: $ pip install “cookiecutter>=1.7.0” Now run it against this repo:: $ cookiecutter https://github.com/zahaar/go-lambda-cookiecutter You’ll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a Lambda sample project […]

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A Home Assistant custom component to pull daily CPAP data from ResMed’s myAir service using an undocumented API

This component will set up the following platforms. Platform Description sensor Show info from the myAir API. Installation Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml). If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called resmed_myair. Download all the files from the custom_components/resmed_myair/ directory (folder) in this repository. Place the    

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Creates a magic square by randomly generating a list until the list happens to be a magic square

Creates a magic square by randomly generating a list until the list happens to be a magic square. Done as simply as possible… Why? I wanted to remake a homework assignment I did two years ago, in one line of code How long did this take you? About an hour [but making this file is only adding to the amount of time wasted] Does this even work? How does it work? I’m glad you asked. To be honest, I’m not […]

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