API for detecting objects in images and video streams using Tensorflow

Dedicated Open Object Detection Service – Yes, it’s a backronym… DOODS is a REST service that detects objects in images or video streams. It’s designed to be very easy to use, run as a container and available remotely.It also supports GPUs and EdgeTPU hardware acceleration. DOODS2 is a rewrite of DOODS in Python. It supports the exact sameREST api endpoints as the original DOODS but it also includes endpoints for handling streaming feeds with realtimefeedback as annotated video and websocket […]

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Calculate the layout on the wall to hang up pictures

Calculate the layout on the wall to hang up pictures. Installation pip install git+https://github.com/trbznk/wallc.git Getting Started Currently a picture has 4 different parameters: Use the wallc module to initialize the wall and all planned pictures with certain parameters: from wallc import Picture, Suspension, Wall, Layout p1 = Picture(800, 600, Suspension(600, 100)) p2 =

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Centauro – a command line tool with some network management functionality

Ferramenta de rede O Centauro é uma ferramenta de linha de comando com algumas funcionalidades de gerenciamento de rede, tais como: Apesar de ser desenvolvido especialmente para o Windows, que tem problemas em encontrar ferramentas do tipo para download, tenho tentado deixar compatível com o Linux. Por favor comunique qualquer bug encontrado ou mande um pull request com a correção. Toda ajuda é bem-vinda! Scanner de portas TCP; Descoberta de hosts;No prompt de comando, use passe o argumento –help para […]

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Minecraft Launcher for Raspberry Pi computers

Minecraft Launcher for Raspberry Pi computers. Things that work: Mojang accounts Microsoft accounts All versions from 1.5 to 1.18, excluding snaphots (Actually all the snapshots from 1.13 and above work, just not from 1.12 and blow) Forge. Every single forge version should work as well Things that dont work: Optifine (The standalone launcher, not the forge mod) Fabric (and all its included mods) Other non Forge/Fabric mod loaders and their mods Standalone mods (eg LabyMod) A settings menu (You cant […]

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Build a Social Network With Django – Part 1

In this four-part tutorial series, you’ll build a social network with Django that you can showcase in your portfolio. This project will strengthen your understanding of relationships between Django models and show you how to use forms so that users can interact with your app and with each other. You’ll also learn how to make your site look good by using the Bulma CSS framework. After finishing the first part of this series, you’ll move on to the second part, […]

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The firmware that runs on the Brogrammer Keyboard

The package contains the firmware that runs on the Brogrammer Keyboard v1.0 See https://imgur.com/a/oY5QZ14 This keyboard runs a specially-compiled verison of Micropython that includes a module for HID keyboard/mouse emulation. Editing/Loading The Firmware In order to edit/program the firmware, the Thonny IDE is used. After launching Thonny, cilck the interpreter selector in the bottom right and switch to Raspberry Pi Pico. Press the stop icon to stop the currently-running firmware and bring up the interpreter. If the    

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All action icons for each class/job are blended together to create new backgrounds for each job/class icon

All action icons for each class/job are blended together to create new backgrounds for each job/class icon! I used python to connect to xivapi to download all class and job icons as well as all the action icons for each job or class. From there, I used the python pillow library to blend each job’s respective actions together. These blended backgrounds are in icons_blended_hd/actions_only (low res versions exist in icons_blended/actions_only). I also overlayed each class or job’s icon ontop of […]

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