Self linked dictionary in Python

Advanced python dictionary(hash-table), which can link it-self keys and make calculations into the keys of the dict Installation Use the package manager pip to install foobar. Usage The syntax of expressions: {‘key’ : ‘…$(expression)$…’} Initialization: from HyperDict import HyperDict from json import dumps dictionary = HyperDict({}) # {} – your dict Examples: example =

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Python-Text-editor: a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter

This is a simple text editor on Python and Tkinter.The project is planned to be developed to the state of a full-fledged code editor. Version 1.0.0 ・The editor allows you to open, create and edit files.・The editor settings are in JSON. On a new start, the editor opens the last opened files and loads the settings.・When a file is opened, its extension is determined.・Two editor color themes.・A Several Hot Keys Bugs・There are problems with file encoding In the future, syntax […]

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License Location With Python

Hi,everyone!❤🧡💛💚💙💜 This is my first project!✔Actually,this is an assignment from my digital image processing experiment class.Through thinking about algorithm ideas and the process of constantly adjusting parameters by myself, I successfully completed this project. You can clone this project to local and run it. Now,here is something to tell you: First, the “test.jpg” is the original image,and the “img.jpg” is a picture that i preprocessed.Among them,I used OTSU and morphological operations and so on Second,when you run “”,you can see […]

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Loan Qualifier Application Built With Python

This program is designed to automate the discovery process and allow the applicant to locate the best personalized bank lending programs based on their own individualized loan criteria.It will allow applicants to download results as a csv file and import to a spreadsheet. Technologies This project leverages python 3.7.10 with the following packages: *questionary 0.2.5 Installation Guide Before running the application first install the following dependencies.

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Customer segmentation with rfm

Business Problem : An e-commerce company wants to segment its customers and determine marketing strategies according to these segments. Method : RFM : Recency, frequency, monetary value used to identify organization’s best customers by measuring and analyzing spending habits. Data Set : Online Retail II data set includes the sales of a UK-based online store between 01/12/2009 – 09/12/2011. Variable: InvoiceNo – Invoice Number If this code starts with C, it means that the operation has been cancelled.StockCode – Product […]

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Book Item Based Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering methods are used to determine a user’s level of interest in any product and to make recommendations by filtering products accordingly. Product-based filtering, on the other hand, is a method that detects product similarities based on user votes. That is to say, for example, there are movies that show a similar liking structure with a movie that the person watches by being removed from being an object of the method. Similar movies can be found by finding similar […]

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Cricket game using PYQT

This is a Fantasy cricket Desktop application build in python that allows user to build their own dream cricket team , analyse it and play !!!….Isn’t it exciting….. Table of Contents You’re sections headers will be used to reference location of destination. Description Fanatsy cricket is build in python using Pyqt5 library specifically QtCore QtGui QtWidgets for GUI development and SqliteStudio for Back end database connectivity. Use of Badges Features Create your own dream team in Auction Save your team […]

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Tracing service for spaceteam events

Tracing service for TU Wien Spaceteam events. This service is a special adaption ofSpace Trace. Getting started Install Python3.8 (or higher), zbar, popper, libxml2 Install all dependencies with: python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt export FLASK_APP=space_trace FLASK_ENV=development flask run This launces a simple webserver which can only be accessed from the localhost. Note: Don’t use this server in production, it is insecure and lowperformance. Deployment How we deploy this app on Ubuntu. Install the requirements with: […]

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Discord bot that fetches cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API

Discord bot that fetches and monitors cryptocurrency prices utilizing CoinGeko API. For any help message fatal#9999 on discord. Requirements Python modules needed: discord, asyncio, time, os, pycoingecko, dotenv pip install discord asyncio time os pycoingecko dotenv First you will need to create a free Discord server. Next, create a new application on the Discord developer portal by clicking the button in the top right corner at Click into the Bot menu item. You can name your bot and give […]

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Deploy Your Python Script on the Web With Flask

You wrote a Python script that you’re proud of, and now you want to show it off to the world. But how? Most people won’t know what to do with your .py file. Converting your script into a Python web application is a great solution to make your code usable for a broad audience. In this course, you’ll learn how to go from a local Python script to a fully deployed Flask web application that you can share with the […]

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