Anonymize people in images and videos using yolov5-crowdhuman
Face Anonymizer Blur faces from image and video files in /input/ folder. Requirements yolov5-crowdhuman download file in package folder.Download model trained on crowd human using yolov5(m) architeture.Download Link: YOLOv5m-crowd-human Useage python –weights –source input/ –headsPlace image and video files in /input/ folder.Result images will be in /output/ and videos with sound will be in /output/sound/ Demo Click image view Imgur video(note, demo is silent but videos in /output/sound contain audio) GitHub View Github
Read moreBuild a Django Front End With Bulma – Part 2
In this four-part tutorial series, you’re building a social network with Django that you can showcase in your portfolio. This project will strengthen your understanding of relationships between Django models and show you how to use forms so that users can interact with your app and with each other. You’ll also make your Django front end look good by using the Bulma CSS framework. In the first part, you extended the Django User model to add profile information that allows […]
Read moreCentOS 8 is dead: choosing a replacement Docker image
For many years, CentOS provided a free, binary-compatible version of RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). But as of January 2022, CentOS 8 has reached its end-of-life, even as RHEL 8 will still be supported for many years. So if you’ve been using centos:8 as your base Docker image, what should you use now? Motivation: a stable, long-term-support base image RHEL 8 was released in May 2019, will continue to get full support until May 2024, and security updates until May 2029. […]
Read moreCalibre recipe to convert latest issue of “Analyse & Kritik” into an ebook
Dies ist ein “Recipe” für die Konvertierung der aktuellen Ausgabe der Zeitung Analyse & Kritik in ein Ebook. Es muss zusammen mit der “Nachrichten abrufen”-Funktion von Calibre verwendet werden. Du benötigst ein Online-Abo der ak um dieses Skript verwenden zu können. Installation Lade das Recipe herunter (Rechtsklick auf den Link und “Speichern als”-Funktion verwenden, mit Endung “.recipe” speichern). Öffne Calibre Öffne “Benuterdefinierte Nachrichtenquellen hinzufügen oder bearbeiten” (Pfeil neben dem “Nachrichten abrufen”-Icon in der Toolbar) Klicke unten auf “Schema aus Datei […]
Read moreKnowledge Bridging for Empathetic Dialogue Generation
Knowledge Bridging for Empathetic Dialogue Generation This is the official implementation for paper Knowledge Bridging for Empathetic Dialogue Generation (AAAI 2021). Model Architecture Setup Check the packages needed or simply run the command: pip install -r requirements.txt Download GloVe vectors from here (glove.6B.300d.txt) and put it into /data/. Download other data sources regarding ConceptNet and NRC_VAD lexicon, please visit Google Drive and place processed dataset kemp_dataset_preproc.json into /data/. For reproducibility purposes, we place the model checkpoints at
Read moreThis plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2021-44228-log4j issue
This plugin discovers vulnerable files for the CVE-2021-44228-log4j issue. To discover this files it uses the CVE-2021-44228-Scanner from logpresso The scanner (and so the plugin) can discover the following log4j issues Note: Included in this package is the scanner for Linux and Windows in version 2.7.1 (2022-01-02) You will find the release notes/latest version for the logpresso scanner here logpresso CVE-2021-44228-Scanner Releases Note: here you can Download the MKP package for CMK 1.6, this might not be always on the […]
Read moreCommand-line clone of Josh Wardle’s WORDLE
Command-line clone of Josh Wardle’s WORDLE, inspired by Paul Battley’s Ruby version. Features: play against random solutions, or against the once-a-day “official” Wordle solution (with –today) official dictionaries of solutions and valid guesses spoiler-free emoji summaries for sharing Download and run (./ Requires Python 3.6 or later, and a terminal which supports colours and ANSI CSI codes, e.g. Windows Terminal. To get the code: git clone && cd wordle-cli alternatively, if you don’t have git: click Code > Download […]
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