A game program written in the Python language
My Pygame Game Information: Description This Pygame project is a game program written in the Python language that was created to fulfill the level 1 task requirements for the Hyperion Development Software Engineering Bootcamp that I am enrolled in. The aim of this task was to develop skills to adapt to working with novel code libraries. Therefore, a simple Pygame program example was provided as a base to write our own game, according to the task level specifications. This simple […]
Read moreUse regular expressions to detect date format
Setup # Setup python virtual environment $ virtualenv venv –python=python3 $ source venv/bin/activate # change directory to the repo where we have requirements file $ cd Regular_Expressions/ # Install python dependencies $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt Run Use the following command in the current directory. python3 src/main.py data/dev/ output/dev.csv Data The assignment’s development data can be found inside data/dev. GitHub View Github
Read moreAutomatic Audio-to-symbolic Arrangement
This is the repository of the project “Audio-to-symbolic Arrangement via Cross-modal Music Representation Learning” by Ziyu Wang, Dejing Xu, Gus Xia and Ying Shan (arXiv:2112.15110). Model Overview We propose an audio-to-symbolic generative model to transfer an input audio to its piano arrangement (in MIDI format). The task is similar to piano cover song production based on the original pop songs, or piano score reduction based on a classical symphony. The input audio is a pop-song audio under arbitrary instrumentation. The […]
Read moreUtility to generate a large collection of unique images
Utility for creating a generative art collection from supplied image layers, especially made for making NFT collectibles. Prerequisites Clone the repository by running git clone https://github.com/sem/NFT-Image-Generator. Install the dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt. How to use Get an API key from Pinata. Go to config.json and put the JWT (Secret access token) in api_key. Adapt the config to your liking and make sure there is a sequencial number after each folder to represent the order of layers. Run main.py. File […]
Read moreA python bot that automatically logs in, clicks the new button, and sends heroes to work in the bombcrypto game
Faz a boa pra nois Do the good Smart Chain Wallet(BUSD/BNB/BCOIN): 0x1305EE0e2a22070EfB7aF35e567f7Fa370D5F302 PIX: Este é um fork de bombcrypto-bot que tem o seu código aberto, de forma que qualquer pessoa pode vê-lo, fazer uma fork, ou updates. Aviso: Os desenvolvedores do jogo se pronunciaram e agora o uso de auto clickers e o uso de bots é oficialmente PROIBIDO. Não me responsabilizo por eventuais penalidades sofridas por quem usar o bot, use por sua própria conta e risco. Baixe e […]
Read moreA python script that uses webtorrent to stream nyaa videos directly to mpv
A rather shitty script that uses webtorrent to stream nyaa videos directly to mpv. nyon_demo.mp4 python3 nyaascraperpy For now the script only works on Linux with dmenu and webtorrent (webtorrent-cli) installed. It’s really not hard to make it compatible with windows but i’ll just let someone do it for me. python dependencies BeautifulSouprequestsdmenu external dependencies dmenu (https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/dmenu/)webtorrent (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/webtorrent-cli) You can edit the 16th line of the script to have it scrap default/danger (white/red) entries on nyaa GitHub View Github […]
Read moreSolution of everyday coding problem given in 30DaysofCode contest held on Hackerrank
👨💻Every day problems solution given in 30DaysOfCode contest held on Hackerrank. Note: Solution of every problem is given after the contest is over. So first try to solve by yourself then see the solution. All the best 👍 GitHub View Github
Read moreA reproduction of YOLOX by PaddlePaddle
A reproduction of YOLOX by PaddlePaddle 数据集准备 下载COCO数据集,准备为如下路径 /home/aistudio |– COCO | |– annotions | |– train2017 | |– val2017 除了常用的图像处理库,需要安装额外的包 pip install gputil==1.4.0 loguru pycocotools 进入仓库根目录,编译安装(推荐使用AIStudio) cd YOLOX-Paddle pip install -v -e . 如果使用本地机器出现编译失败,需要修改YOLOX-Paddle/yolox/layers/csrc/cocoeval/cocoeval.h中导入pybind11的include文件为本机目录,使用如下命令获取pybind11的include目录 #include #include #include #include 成功后使用pip list可看到安装模块
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