A collection of data structures and algorithms I’m writing while learning
This is a collection of data structures and algorithms that I write while learning the subject Stack: stack.py A stack algorithm is a data structure that is like a pack of cards – a stack. Stack has the following properties: Push Adds element to the top of the stack Pop Removes element from the top of the stack Peek Returns the element at the top of the stack Size and is_empty are just helper functions Stuff Done with stack: Checking […]
Read moreA Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots
A Python script that exports users from one Telegram group to another using one or more concurrent user bots. Make sure to set all of the required information for each user bot in the config.yaml file, as well as the target group URL to which the bots will add users in the main.py file. For more details on how it works, see this article: https://medium.com/@fasiladam1290/how-i-export-one-telegram-group-users-to-another-using-a-python-script-6da69150182e GitHub View Github
Read moreBuild and Handle POST Requests in Django – Part 3
In this four-part tutorial series, you’re building a social network with Django that you can showcase in your portfolio. This project is strengthening and demonstrating your understanding of relationships between Django models and showing you how to use forms so that users can interact with your app and with each other. You’re also making your site look good by using the CSS framework Bulma. In the previous part of this tutorial series, you built templates and views for displaying a […]
Read moreName says it all/Instructions are in README file
Name says it all/Instructions are in README file. Setup 1. pip install discord-webhook ( In console, terminal or whatever you use ) 2. Download the file 3. Configure the directory 4. Type “python main.py” 5. Input your targetted webhook ( Don’t delete anything if it makes a new line ) 6. Input your text
Read morePlover plugin for Jyutping input
Installation Navigate to the repo directory: cd plover_jyutping plover -s plover_plugins install -e . Restart Plover Note: the plover command can be replaced with the following according to your OS Windows: C:Program Files (x86)Open Steno ProjectPlover 4.0.0plover_console.exe macOS: /Applications/Plover.app/Contents/MacOS/Plover Linux: plover.AppImage Layout To be added. Punctuation The A, O, E, and U keys are defined as !, ?, ,, and . respectively to avoid collision with the the Jyutping syllables. GitHub View Github
Read moreBBScan py3 With Python
This repository is forked from lijiejie/BBScan 1.5. I migrated the former python code to python3. The following description is the origin author’s readme. BBScan 是一个高并发漏洞扫描工具,可用于 高危漏洞爆发后,编写简单插件或规则,进行全网扫描 作为巡检组件,集成到已有漏洞扫描系统中 BBScan能够在1分钟内 对超过2万个IP地址进行指定端口发现,同时,进行漏洞验证。例如,Samba MS17010漏洞 对超过1000个网站进行HTTP服务发现(80/443),同时,请求某个指定URL,完成漏洞检测 BBScan is a super fast vulnerability scanner. A class B network (65534 hosts) could be scanned within 4 minutes (ex. Detect Samba MS17010) Up to find more than 1000 target’s web services and meanwhile, detect the vulnerability associated with a specified URL within one minute Install pip3 install -r […]
Read moreSpeech Recognition Database Management with python
The main aim of this project is to recognize voice of the user as input and convert that input voice into the text form. We have used Speech Recognition module of Python to accomplish this mission. Inside it we have modules like PyAudio which helps us to play and record audio. Also, we have used the MySQL connector module for connecting our Python program to our MySQL database. We have created a library named MySQLvoice which helps our Artificial Intelligence […]
Read moreTake Information in NIST NVD for ICS
This project developed with Python. When you search in the NIST NVD data, you write a keyword which is explain your research.(https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/search) After that, you see the vuln ID, description, Published time ,and CVSS severity (Version 2 and Version3) fields. I use the BeautifulSoup library for taking this fileds. The library parse the htlm codes in web sites for what do you want to take.I write the results Sqlite database and json format. I run the project with -w parameter. […]
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