A simple visualization toolbox (script) for transformer attention visualization

This is a super simple visualization toolbox (script) for transformer attention visualization ✌ 1. How to prepare your attention matrix? Just convert it to numpy array like this 👇 # build an attetion matrixs as torch-output like token_num = 6 case_num = 3 layer_num = 2 head_num = 4 attention_map_mhml = [np.stack([make_attention_map_mh(head_num, token_num)]*case_num, 0) for _ in range(layer_num)] # 4cases’ 3 layers attention, with 3 head per layer( 每个case相同) _ = [print(i.shape) for i in attention_map_mhml] “”” >>>(3, 4, 6, […]

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Create QR Code for link using Python

Quick Response QR is short and named for a quick read from a cell phone. Used to view information from transitory media and put it on your cell phone. To create QR codes with Python you only need to install a Python module. Installation The pyqrcode module is a QR code generator that is simple to use and written in pure python. The module can automates most of the building process for creating QR codes. Most codes can be created […]

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A keylogger based in python which when executed records all the keystrokes of the system it has been executed on

This is a keylogger based in python which when executed records all the keystrokes of the system it has been executed on and sends to your email every 30 secs. Upon executing even if the victim deletes the file it creates a hidden temp folder in the victim’s system and then adds a registry key with a less suspicious name which executes every time upon startup.It has been merged with a pdf,jpg,etc or whatever file they want to merge it […]

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A smart personal companion and health assistant

Steps to Install : Clone the repository Go to ResQ-Sources Execute ResQ-Lite.py –: Manual Controls : DanceRobot.py –: You can call functions like forward,backward manually in this file or Add Keyboard Event-Bindings ResQ Health Companion Under the Supervision of PROF. TUFAN SAHA Department of Computer Science & Engineering Institute of Engineering and Management West Bengal, India November, 2020 As life grows to be fast-paced, the focus on good health habits and provisions on healthcare gets less evident among the people […]

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A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets

A Python module that allows you to create and use simple sockets. The easysockets module can be installed using pip. or pip install git+https://github.com/Matthias1590/EasySockets.git You can also install it by cloning this repository and running the following commands: python3 setup.py build python3 setup.py install The easysockets module contains 3 main classes: ServerSocket, ClientSocket and Connection. Below are examples on how to use each of them. ServerSocket:

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Meta Learning Backpropagation And Improving It (VSML)

This is research code for the NeurIPS 2021 publication Kirsch & Schmidhuber 2021. Many concepts have been proposed for meta learning with neural networks (NNs), e.g., NNs that learn to reprogram fast weights, Hebbian plasticity, learned learning rules, and meta recurrent NNs. Our Variable Shared Meta Learning (VSML) unifies the above and demonstrates that simple weight-sharing and sparsity in an NN is sufficient to express powerful learning algorithms (LAs) in a reusable fashion. A simple implementation of VSML where the […]

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Simple script for looping a Denial Of Service (DoS) attack over one single mac address in range

Legal Note This project is made only for educational purposes and for helping in Proofs of Concept. The author does not encourage anyone to use it illegally or without permission of your noisy neighbours ;). Description This is a simple script for looping a Denial Of Service attack over one single mac address in range. If Mac address is down or not in range, it will keep trying to attack the target until user press CTRL+C. WARNING: It only works […]

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Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon

Moji sends text and fun facts from different APIs wit da use of a notification deamon. Can be runned via dmenu or rofi. ps. for linux only Settings Location: ~/.config/moji_notif/settings.py The value for api can only be one of the following: history – history of wat happend dis present month and day number_trivia – random number trivias cat_fact – fun facts about cats! meow ![cat](https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f431.png =20×20) advice – “useful” advices, but somtimes nonsense :3 random Installing Python 3.8 or higher […]

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The last walk-through project in code institute diploma course

Welcome Rocky.C, This is the Code Institute student template for Gitpod. We have preinstalled all of the tools you need to get started. It’s perfectly ok to use this template as the basis for your project submissions. You can safely delete this README.md file, or change it for your own project. Please do read it at least once, though! It contains some important information about Gitpod and the extensions we use. Some of this information has been updated since the […]

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Fully functional BlackJack game with a graphical user interface

Welcome to BlackJack! This game is fully functional, with a casino sound package integrated using Pygame, dynamic game logic developed using Object Oriented Programming (OOP), and an interactive GUI developed using Tkinter. The game itself is a one player game developed in Python, where the player plays against the dealer. Note that the file: BlackJackCommandLine.py in the project folder is the command line interface version of BlackJack. This was the initial script that I developed, intended to be a game […]

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