osmo python client library

Version 0.0.2 Tools for Osmosis wallet management and offline transaction signing Installing Installing from PyPI repository: Installing from source code: git clone https://github.com/bro-n-bro/osmopy cd cyberpy pip3 install . Usage Generating a wallet from osmopy import generate_wallet wallet = generate_wallet() The value assigned to wallet will be a dictionary just like:

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A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application

A guide to building basic malware in Python by implementing a keylogger application.If you want even more detail on the Project view my Youtube Series linked here. Purpose of the Project This repository is made for the purpose of learning how basic malware can be created, obfuscated, and then deobfuscated for malware analysis. Through this repository, a fully working keylogger with the ability to exfiltrate data as well as persist on host machines will be presented. In addition to this, […]

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Add support for the 65C816 to py65

Py65 (https://github.com/mnaberez/py65) is a great simulator for the 6502. Recently I added support for interrupts (https://github.com/tmr4/py65_int) and a debug window (https://github.com/tmr4/py65_debug_window). After success with these modifications, I decided to try adding support for the 65C816. Luckily, py65 is open-source and enhancing it isn’t very difficult. This repository provides a framework for adding support for the 65C816 to py65. I’ve included the modules I’ve developed to simulate and test the 65C816. As noted below, a few modifications are needed to the […]

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A calculator of strike price distance for options

This is a calculator of strike price distance for options. Options are a type of derivative. One strategy is sell options to receive the premium and wait the expiration of the serie. After the expiration date and the asset price is not in-the-money (i.e., refers to an option that possesses intrinsic value), the contract is over and you stay with the premium. So, you need to sell the option in a right distance and direction to avoid the option was […]

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OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes

OpenSea Python Bot can be used in 2 modes. When –nft parameter is passed, it will allow you to continuously monitor an NFT project and automatically snipe/buy if the price of the NFT is 50% or lower than it’s floor value. If the price of the NFT is 20-40% below it’s floor, then the bot can send a notification on Discord or print the result on-screen. The script can also be used to buy a specific NFT by passing the […]

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Discord Bot to keep threads from expiring

Discord Bot to keep threads from expiring Installation Create a new Discord Bot in the Discord developer console. Remember to select“Bot” and “applications.commands” in OAuth2->URL Generator else your Bot willnot work. Usage The bot exports three (slash) commands: /addthread |all to either keep the given thread ID alive or all threads alive. /rmthread to stop keeping the given thread ID alive /lsthread to list all thread IDs being kept alive The way any given thread is kept alive is by […]

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Examine the camera capabilities for V4l2 cameras

This is a graphical user interface over the v4l2-ctl command line tool. This program supports an upcoming JetsonHacks article and video. Intended Spirit This app is a simple software sketch built to support a demonstration. It is not fully featured, and certainly not production quality code, but you may find it useful for your own study and experimentation. On the NVIDIA Jetson family of products, connected cameras generally stream through the V4L2 module. USB cameras go through the uvcvideomodule which […]

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A clean, easy to scale discord bot template. Develope using nextcord library and can be use with any other discord.py forked library

This repository is a template that everyone can use for the start of their discord bot. This template created for fast set up your new discord bot and easy to scaling. It has common feature in standarddiscord bot like embedded help menu. This also compatible with any discord.py fork. Firsts of all you need to have the python3 (created with 3.9). Then run pip install -r requirements.txt .env Here is an explanation for .env: Variable What it is BOT_AUTHOR The […]

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