Shows that it is possible to implement reverse mode autodiff using a variation on the dual numbers called the codual numbers

The codual numbers are a simple method of doing automatic differentiation in reverse mode. They contrast with the dual numbers which provide an easy way of doing automatic differentiation in forward mode. The difference between the two modes is that sometimes one is faster than the other. The folklore appears to be that forward mode autodiff is easy to implement because it can be done using the beautiful algebra of dual numbers, while the same is assumed to not be […]

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Scapes an entire search page of a particular item on eBay and sends regular updates to an email address

This is a project I built with the sole intent to learn more about scraping websites, manipulating data, and delivering it through a medium. It is not intended for commercial use. The program tracks an entire eBay search page of a particular item and sends automated updates to an email with the respective link and price to each entry. The program asks you for: The item you want to track How many hours do you want between updates The range […]

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Create and finder all address wallet bitcoin and check balance , transaction

Create and finder all address wallet bitcoin and check balance , transaction bitcoin wallet generator generated address wallet , public key , private key , hex address and private key find and check Wallet BTC find and check private key and address with all address wallet btc and print result with balance without use apikey first install package : pip install blockcypher pip install moneywagon pip install urllib pip install satoshi GitHub View Github    

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Whatsapp chatbot build with python and twilio

This is a Whatsapp Chatbot that responds with quotes, reply owners name, search internet for meaning of any word. Download and install Python. Version 3 and above should come with pip. Clone or fork this repository (project). $ git clone $ cd whatsapp-bot Create a virtual environment inside this project directoy e.g., python -m venv whatsapp-bot-venv Then activate that environment: Windows: whatsapp-bot-venvScriptsactivate Mac: $ source whatsapp-bot-venv/bin/activate Install the following dependencies: twilio, flask, requests, beautifulsoup,    

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A repository that will contain code that consists of automating some needs

Um repositório que conterá código que consiste em automatizar algumas necessidades A função de organizar todos os arquivos, consiste em pegar todos os arquivos e organizá-los em suas respectivas pastas. Essa função pede a pasta onde pretende organizar os arquivos. A função de organizar arquivos por extensão é semelhante a função de organizar todos os arquivos, a função de organizar os arquivos por extensão ao consiste em organizar os arquivos segundo a sua extensão nas suas respectivas pastas essa função […]

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A discord token generator(requests) which works and makes 200 tokens per minute

Features Profile pictures and names on the accounts Easy to use Free Email verifies MultiThreaded -> 200 accounts per minute Websockets the accounts so theyre good to mass dm How to use pip install -r requirements.txt Buy anticaptcha balance from and put your key inside (line 18) Buy proxies from and put your proxies in proxies.txt Maka a data folder inside the same directory as gen, make a avatars folder inside it and put pfps in there […]

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