An optional component handler for hikari, inspired by’s views

An optional component handler for hikari, inspired by’s views. Installation pip install git+ Usage import hikari import hikari_miru as miru class MyView(miru.View): @miru.button(label=”Rock”, emoji=”🪨”, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY) async def rock_button(self, button: miru.Button, interaction: hikari.ComponentInteraction): await interaction.create_initial_response(hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, content=f”Paper!”) @miru.button(label=”Paper”, emoji=”📜”, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY) async def paper_button(self, button: miru.Button, interaction: hikari.ComponentInteraction): await interaction.create_initial_response(hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, content=f”Scissors!”) @miru.button(label=”Scissors”, emoji=”✂️”, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY) async def scissors_button(self, button: miru.Button, interaction: hikari.ComponentInteraction): await interaction.create_initial_response(hikari.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, content=f”Rock!”) @miru.button(emoji=”⏹️”, style=hikari.ButtonStyle.DANGER, row=2) async def stop_button(self, button: miru.Button, interaction: hikari.ComponentInteraction): await interaction.create_initial_response(hikari.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE) self.stop() # Stop listening for interactions […]

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Volta: A Virtual Assistant which increases your productivity with time as you use it

Overview & Purpose Volta: A Virtual Assistant which increases your productivity with time as you use it… Volta, developed and designed by Abeer Joshi is a personal virtual assistant, which can increase your productivity. The main purpose of this software is to provide best services to the end-user! Requirements Volta was designed to be compatible with almost every computer. It doesn’t include crazy requirements but the ones which are present in each and every computer of the latest generation at […]

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Arithmos cipher on CLI based

This is the CLI version of Arithmos Cipher. Install pip install arithmos-cipher Encrypt For two sentences or more : arithmos enc “Arithmos cipher” Decrypt arithmos dec 382543210904 For two sentences or more : arithmos dec “2718092008131519 030916080518” For more information of all command, you can type: GitHub View Github    

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Python Interactive Mini Games

Mini projects from Coursera’s An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Part 1 Part 2. Rock paper scissors lizard Spock Play here! Guess: The Game Instructions: Guess a number within the range. Use the hints (higher/lower) wisely before you run out of your allowed number of guesses! Play here! Stopwatch: The Game Play here! Instructions: After starting the game, click the Stop button only when the tenths digit hits 0 (zero) in order to score a point. Let’s see how […]

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Document manipulation detection with python

task: –> tianchi function image segmentation salient object detection seg use ResNeXT as encoder; use UNet framework; use DAHead as decode_head; see seg model mIoU: usage use to make the .tfrecord files python -W ignore –batch_size $batch_size –niter $niter –lr $lr todo refine the u2net add: EGNet data aug model fusion GitHub View Github    

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A small framework mimics PyTorch using CuPy or NumPy

CuPyTorch是一个小型PyTorch,名字来源于: 不同于已有的几个使用NumPy实现PyTorch的开源项目,本项目通过CuPy支持cuda计算 发音与Cool PyTorch接近,因为使用不超过1000行纯Python代码实现PyTorch确实很cool CuPyTorch支持numpy和cupy两种计算后端,实现大量PyTorch常用功能,力求99%兼容PyTorch语法语义,并能轻松扩展,以下列出已经完成的功能: cloc的代码统计结果: Language files blank comment code Python 22 353 27 992 自动微分示例:

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Data App Performance Tests

My hypothesis is that The different architectures of Dash, Panel and Streamlit makes a difference if you want to create snappy applications. Framework Server Communication Protocol Built in state Update cycle Dash Flask http No Specific code reruns and UI updates Panel Tornado web sockets Yes, Automatic Specific code reruns and UI updates Streamlit Tornado web sockets Yes, Manual Rerun script top to bottom with caching I want to test that hypothesis and elaborate on it. Test Setup In order […]

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