M-Fire – A framework that can be used to generate DDOS Attack, Bombing, Text Repeat, Strong Password

M-Fire M-Fire is a framework that can be used to generate DDOS Attack, Bombing, Text Repeat, Strong Password. This framework has been created for educational purposes only. Install process of Linux apt install python3 pip install pyautogui pip install requests apt install git git clone https://github.com/m4r07/M-Fire cd M-fire python3 fire.py Developer Contact GitHub View Github    

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KiCad library containing footprints and symbols for inductive analog keyboard switches

This library contains footprints and symbols for inductive analog keyboard switches for use with the Texas Instruments LDC1312, LDC1314, LDC1312 and LDC1314 inductance to digital converters. Supported footprints for switches are currently PCB or plate mounted, LED or no LED Cherry MX, Alps Matias or hybrid Cherry MX and Alps Matias. Acknowledgements A huge thank you goes out to keyswitch-kicad-library from which i have borrowed some of the code to help generate the switch footprints. License This work is licensed […]

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Weblate – A copylefted libre software web-based continuous localization system

Weblate is a copylefted libre software web-based continuous localization system, used by over 2500 libre projects and companies in more than 165 countries. Linter for localization files powered by Weblate. This project is in beta. The interface, features, supported formats are subject to change without any intent to keep backward compatibility. Using manually The Python module can be installed from the PyPI: Run to lint current directory: Using as GitHub action    

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OTS React.JS – DJango Web Application

This repository servers as a template for creating React.JS – Django Web Applications. Note that the Django SECRET_KEY is being exposed here. Please create an entirely new project when starting your actual project. File system Tree below shows the file system for the more important files for this application. project_root |_frontend |_src |_App.js |_index.js |_store.js |_Components |_Actions |_Reducers |_Constants |_Screens |_public |_index.html |_package.json |_.gitignore |_backend |_manage.py |_backend |_settings.py |_urls.py |_base |_views.py |_urls.py |_models.py |_admin.py |_requirements.txt |_pyenv

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Wordle TUI: Play WORDLE game in your terminal

Play WORDLE game in your terminal. The game will be kept the same as the Web version. Prerequisites Python 3.7+ Linux/MacOS (Windows is not supported due to upstream limits). Quick Start Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/frostming/wordle-tui.git cd wordle-tui If you are using PDM, then: pdm install # Run the application pdm run start Otherwise, set up a new virtualenv and install the dependencies:

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Public release of Telepathy, an OSINT toolkit for investigating Telegram groups

Welcome to Telepathy, an OSINT toolkit for scraping Telegram data to help investigate shady goings on. Currently, the tool is limited to scraping only the sources of forwarded messages. Its capabilities will be increased over time. Installation Install from source git clone https://github.com/jordanwildon/Telepathy.git pip install -r requirements.txt Register for and obtain your Telegram API details from my.telegram.org. Navigate to the installation directory and run setup.py, this will walk you through the Telegram API login and prepare the toolkit with your […]

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Starting With Python IDLE

If you’ve recently downloaded Python onto your computer, then you may have noticed a new program on your machine called IDLE. You might be wondering, “What is this program doing on my computer? I didn’t download that!” While you may not have downloaded this program on your own, IDLE comes bundled with every Python installation. It’s there to help you get started with the language right out of the box. In this course, you’ll learn how to work in Python […]

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Evolving neural network parameters in JAX

This repository holds code displaying techniques for applying evolutionary network training strategies in JAX. Each script trains a network to solve the same problem: given a sequence of regularly-spaced values on a sine wave, predict the next value. The problem is trivial – the interesting part is intended to be the way in which this is accomplished, by updating network parameters directly and without gradient calculations, in parallel across devices. A lengthy tutorial is included, explaining the ideas and rationale. […]

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