Displays market info for LUNI/LUNA on the Terra Blockchain (Webscrape method currently scraping CoinMarketCap)

Displays market info for LUNI/LUNA on the Terra Blockchain (Webscrape method currently scraping CoinMarketCap). Will evolve over time 🙂 pip3 install bs4 discord dotenv flask requests Discord Developer Portal: https://discord.com/developers/applications/ Set up your bot in the given link above and click “Bot” on the left menu to see the “Token” section underneath the Username input. Keep this in mind, as you will need this later. This is a private key to your Bot, so make sure to keep it safe/hidden, […]

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Build a Dice-Rolling Application With Python

Building small projects, like a text-based user interface (TUI) dice-rolling application, will help you level up your Python programming skills. You’ll learn how to gather and validate the user’s input, import code from modules and packages, write functions, use for loops and conditionals, and neatly display output by using strings and the print() function. In this project, you’ll code an application that simulates dice-rolling events. To do so, you’ll use Python’s random module. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to: […]

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Energy consumption estimation utilities for Jetson-based platforms

Energy consumption estimation utilities for Jetson-based platforms This repository contains a utility for measuring energy consumption when running various programs in NVIDIA Jetson-based platforms. Currently TX-2, NX, and AGX are supported. Usage If you want to measure the energy consumption of a program, you can directly run the utility providing the command that you want to measure: You can test the utility using a stress test (make sure you have installed stress – apt install stress), e.g., ./p_est stress –cpu […]

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Telegram-Discord Bridge With Python

Скрипт, пересылающий сообщения из нескольких каналов Telegram в один/несколько каналов Discord.Технически это Telegram-юзербот и Discord-бот одновременно. Возможные вопросы Q: Кaк добaвить к себе нa сервер?A: Никaк, это селф-хостед решение. Q: Где хостить?A: Heroku. Скрипт уже aдaптировaн под эту плaтформу, вaм нужно только зaрегистрировaться тaм и прикрепить свою кредитку (денег никто не снимет). Q: Зaчем этот скрипт нужен вообще?A: Без понятия. Я писaл этот скрипт для репостa мемов на сервер, где я сижу, мне нрaвится. Q: Чем этот скрипт отличaется от […]

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VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection

VGG16 model-based classification project about brain tumor detection. First, you can check what people are doing on Kaggle using Brain Tumor MRI. Cause I benefited them a lot and it’s quite good code parts in it. So here are the links: https://www.kaggle.com/loaiabdalslam/brain-tumor-mri-classification-vgg16 https://www.kaggle.com/ruslankl/brain-tumor-detection-v1-0-cnn-vgg-16 Me and my friend have done the pre-task given by Teknofest “AI in Healthcare” competition. So it’s the classification project and it’s only clustered the brain tomography into ‘yes’ and ‘no’ folders. While I was doing that, […]

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A tool to brute force a gmail account. Use this tool to crack multiple accounts

A tool to brute force a gmail account. Use this tool to crack multiple accounts. This tool is developed to crack multiple accounts apt install python3 git clone https://github.com/Saadkhan041/Gmail-Brute cd Gmail-Brute chmod +x * python3 crack.py Enter path of mail list You can use defaul wordlist (passwords) Use of defaul proxy is not recommended Wait… ! Enjoy ! for any help / support , iam mostly active on instagram @saadkhan041/@coding_memz GitHub View Github    

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A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms

A malware to encrypt all the .txt and .jpg files in target computer using RSA algorithms. Change the Blackgound image of targets’ computer. and decrypt the targets’ encrypted files in our own computer Usage: use RSA_key.py to generate public and private keys pair. then send the randsomware.py and public key pem file to the targets computer. run randsomware on targets’ computer to encrypt all of their files. decrypt the file in your computer with the RSA private key. GitHub View […]

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Generating a report CSV and send it to an email – Python / Django Rest Framework

How to start project. Create a folder in your machine Create a virtual environment Start the virtual environment . venv/bin/activate (Linux) venv/Scripts/Activate (Windows) Inside your venv folder clone the project git clone https://github.com/alexlopesbr/forgot-password.git In your-new-folder/venv/forgot-password pip install -r requirements.txt to install the project’s dependencies python manage.py migrate to generate your database python3 manage.py createsuperuser to create the admin python3 manage.py runserver to start the server Open your browser and go to Login with the admin credentials Now you can […]

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Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing SS 2021 (TU Darmstadt)

Task Training huge unsupervised deep neural networks yields to strong progress in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Using these extensively pre-trained networks for particular NLP applications is the current state-of-the-art approach. In this project, we approach the task of ranking possible clarifying questions for a given query. We fine-tuned a pre-trained BERT model to rank the possible clarifying questions in a classification manner. The achieved model scores a top-5 accuracy of 0.4565 on the provided benchmark dataset. Installation […]

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