A computational optimization project towards the goal of gerrymandering the results of a hypothetical election in the UK

A computational optimization project towards the goal of gerrymandering the results of a hypothetical election in the UK. We seek to determine the best possible division of 14 shires on agiven map into 5 constituencies, each composed of one or more shires. We do so towards the goal of maximising the number of such constituencies in which “Joris Bohnson” wins a majority of the total votes inside this constituency. As a result, he is able to send the maximum possible […]

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A2DP agent for promiscuous/permissive audio sinc

A2DP agent for promiscuous/permissive audio sinc for Linux. Once installed, a Bluetooth client, such as a smart phone, should be able to discover, pair, and subsequently play audio without any manual interaction. This is perfect for those with headless media boxes wanting to expand their connective options and saves explaining things to the kids 8) This project assumes the use of PulseAudio and should be tested with PortAudio if required. This project is heavily based on the Gist and comments […]

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Web Scraping with Python

Esse projeto consiste em um código para o usuário buscar as últimas nóticias sobre um termo qualquer, no site G1. Para esse projeto foi escolhida a linguagem de programação Python. Para que fosse possível realizar essa busca, foram utilizadas três bibiliotecas, que foram: selenium – Utilizada para automatizar o processo e obter o conteúdo da página Web. bs4 – BeautifoulSoup – Utilizada para manipular o conteúdo HTML. Pandas – Utilizada para criar e exportar um dataframe com as informações obtidas. […]

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Call of Duty World League: Search & Destroy Outcome Predictions

Growing up as an avid Call of Duty player, I was always curious about what factors led to a team winning or losing a match. Was it strictly based on the number of kills each player obtained? Was it who played the objective more? Or was it something different? Finally, after years of waiting, I decided that it was time to find my answers. Coupling my love for Call of Duty and my passion for data science, I began to […]

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Free & simple way to encipher text

VenSipher is a free medium through which text can be enciphered. It can convert any text into an unrecognizable secret text that can only be deciphered by someone who has the auto-generated code along with the generated cipher. The secret text is different each time it’s generated (even for the same text), making it impossible to decipher. It’s well-designed and simple to use. Features Secret text and code are different each time Clean and simple interface Records are deletable from […]

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Simple mathematical operations on image, point and surface layers

This package provides a GUI interfrace for simple mathematical operations on image, point and surface layers. addition subtraction multiplication division logical and, or, xor z-projection (mean and sum) Operations can be peformed on a single layer or between Image layers (functionaly pending for Surface and Point layers), for example adding one layer to another. When performing operations on two images of different sizes, the result will be the size of the smallest of the two images. Installation You can install […]

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A complete, self-contained example for training ImageNet at state-of-the-art speed with FFCV

A minimal, single-file PyTorch ImageNet training script designed for hackability. Run train_imagenet.py to get… …high accuracies on ImageNet …with as many lines of code as the PyTorch ImageNet example …in 1/10th the time. Results Train models more efficiently, either with 8 GPUs in parallel or by training 8 ResNet-18’s at once. See benchmark setup here: https://docs.ffcv.io/benchmarks.html. Citation If you use this setup in your research, cite: @misc{leclerc2022ffcv, author = {Guillaume Leclerc and Andrew Ilyas and Logan Engstrom and Sung Min […]

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