A PyTorch implementation for Transition Matrix Representation of Trees with Transposed Convolutions

This project is a PyTorch implementation for Transition Matrix Representation of Trees with Transposed Convolutions, published as a conference proceeding atSDM 2022. The paper proposes TART (Transition Matrix Representation withTransposed Convolutions), a novel framework for generalizing tree models with aunifying view. Requirements The repository is written by Python 3.7 with the packages listed inrequirements.txt. A GPU environment is strongly recommended for efficienttraining and inference of our model. You can type the following command toinstall the required packages: pip install -r […]

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This Is Bangladeshi All Sim Cloner Tools

INSTALL TOOL ON TERMUX $ apt update $ apt upgrade $ apt install python2 $ apt install git $ pip2 install mechanize $ pip2 install requests $ git clone https://github.com/MAHADI-143/BD-ALL-DIGIT RUN SCRIPT $ ls $ cd BD-ALL-DIGIT $ ls $ python2 Mahadi-11D.py Find Me on : GitHub View Github    

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The generative design for single red clood cell hydrodynamic traps using GEFEST framework

This is the repository for the paper “Single Red Blood Cell Hydrodynamic Traps Via the Generative Design” submitted to Micromachines journal. In the paper, the evolutionary approach implemented in GEFEST framework was applied to optimize the structure of geometrically-encoded cell traps. Experiments folder contains the scripts that run the optimization for the described case.Setup contains the wrapper for the COMSOL simulator and the configuration for the simulation environment.Results folder contains the structure of best obtained configuration. GitHub View Github   […]

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A collection of django password validators

A collection of django password validators. Compatibility Python: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 Django: 3.2, 4.0 Installation For translations to work, add django_pwned to INSTALLED_APPS. TL;DR: AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ {“NAME”: “django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.GitHubLikePasswordValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.MinimumUniqueCharactersPasswordValidator”}, {“NAME”: “django_pwned.validators.PwnedPasswordValidator”}, ] Validators PwnedPasswordValidator(request_timeout=1.5) This validator uses the Pwned Passwords API to check for compromised passwords. Internally, this validator checks password with django’sCommonPasswordValidator and if password was not in django’s list,uses Pwned API to check password. So you can remove CommonPasswordValidatorif you’re using this […]

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All exercises done during the Python 3 course in the Video Course (World 1, 2 and 3)

Todos os exercícios feitos durante os três cursos de Python 3 no Curso em Vídeo (Mundo 1, 2 e 3). O curso que me introduziu no mundo da programação. Inicie ele sem saber nada sobre a área e hoje entendo a lógica e algoritmos de programação, assim como a como programar em Python. No total foram realizados 115 exercícios. 📚 Conteúdo do Curso Python 3 – Mundo 1 (40 horas) Introdução ao Mundo da Programação; Primeiros passos com o Python; […]

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Machine Translation Weekly 99: Multilingual models can also be evil

In a report published in December on arXiv, Google Deepmind tries to categorize major ethical and societal issues connected to large language models. The report probably does not say anything that was not known before, but I like the way they categorize the issues they talk about. Because the report mostly talks about monolingual language models, in this post, I will go over some of the issues they discuss and speculate how they in the paper are relevant for machine […]

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How vectorization speeds up your Python code

Python is not the fastest programming language. So when you need to process a large amount of homogeneous data quickly, you’re told to rely on “vectorization.” This leads to more questions: What does “vectorization” actually mean? When does it apply? How does vectorization actually make code faster? To answer that question, we’ll consider interesting performance metrics, learn some useful facts about how CPUs work, and discover that NumPy developers are working hard to make your code faster. What “vectorization” means, […]

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Rubik’s Cube in pygame with OpenGL

Rubik’s Cube in pygame with OpenGL The script show on the screen a Rubik Cube buit with OpenGL. Then I have also implemented all the possible moves as combination of the main moves. It is possible to change camera view with te mnouse in a way rude. Next step is to build an AI to solve it automatically. Feel free to download and edit it for your purpouse. See you soon. GitHub View Github    

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Simulator for FRC 2022 challenge: Rapid React

Simulator for FRC 2022 challenge: Rapid React out-1.mp4 Usage In order to run the simulator use the following: python3 rrsim.py [config_path] where config_path is the path to the json configuration (default value is default_configs/config.json). Configurations In order to configure game, field and robots, a config JSON file must be created. See default_configs directory for examples of configurations. The following are parameters that can be defined in the configuration: Per-robot parameters: Name Type Meaning Example starting_position Tuple[float, float] Starting position of […]

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Ground control station software for the drone created with the Python pyside2 library

Teknofest yarışmasında yerlilik kısmında Yer Kontrol İstasyonu yazılımı seçeneği bulunuyordu. Bu yüzden yerlilik alanında yer kontrol istasyonu yazmaya başladım. Ancak 2022 yılı Teknofest yarışmasında yerlilik kısmından yer kontrol istasyonu kaldırıldı. Bu yüzden projeye devam etmedim. Ancak gelecek yıllarda tekrar yerlilik kısmına yer kontrol istasyonu yazılımı konacak olursa ilgili arkadaşlar bu projeden yararlanarak, bu projeyi devam ettirerek kolayca yer kontrol istasyonu yazılımlarını yapabilirler. Bu proje benim bir işime yaramadı ancak belki farklı arkadaşların işine yarar bu yüzden paylaşmak istiyorum. Neler Kullandım? […]

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