ABScanner – Python script that looks for open ports/targets

Python script that looks for open ports/targets Using You must specify a target or a network with the subnet mask Type of scans: If you just put the target, the scanner script with all types of scans: ./scanner.py ./scanner.py To choose a type of scan, you have to specify it (it doesn’t care about the case); ./scanner.py syn ./scanner.py ICMP ./scanner.py arp ./scanner.py UDP GitHub View Github    

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Blender addon to quickly view image nodes in Blender’s image viewer

A Blender addon to quickly view images from image nodes in Blender’s image viewer. Support Created for Blender 3.0.0 Installing Download this addon as a zip Inside Blender Preferences > Addons, click Install from File Select the zip you downloaded, and install Using Right click image node in node editor > View Image Node The image will show up in the UV Editor or Image Editor on your screen. GitHub View Github    

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A project of the TGBBZ1-SB which serves as the basis for the following projects of the school

Ein Projekt des TGBBZ1-SB welches als Grundlage für folgende Projekte der Schule dient. Wie du deinen Code Pusht: Bitte beachte das Branching ConceptFeaturebranchXY -> Test -> main Bitte nicht direkt in main Pushen!!Lege dir einen Branch an für das Feature, dass du gerade entwicklest und pushe ihn nachdem du fertig bist in den test Branch.Der Test Branch wird dan nach Abnahme vom Projektleiter in den Main Branch gepusht Setup Backend: Checke das Projekt aus in deiner IDE Stelle sicher das […]

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Flickr Downloader – A tiny Python tool can download all public photos of a user, even though they’re disabled

This tiny Python tool can download all public photos of a user, even though they’re disabled. Prerequisite We need Python Requests to scrape, BeautifulSoup to download and FlickrAPI to get photo IDs. pip install requests pip install html5lib pip install bs4 pip install flickrapi Usage There is only one feature, just run then enter the user ID: You can get the user ID from profile URLs, example 12345678N00 from: https://www.flickr.com/people/12345678N00/… https://www.flickr.com/photos/12345678N00/… This tool will try to download the largest size […]

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Number guessing game in python

Number GuessingNumber Guessing This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up. The program generates a random number from 1 to 10, or 1 to 100 any range that is specified and the user must guess the number after a hint from the computer. Every time a user’s guess is wrong they are prompted with more hints to make it easier for them to guess the number but at the cost of reducing the score. The clue […]

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Shitty language for writing bots in discord

DBCE – Discord Bot Creator Easy (Лёгкое создания дискорд бота) Для получения поддержки вы можете перейти на официальный сервер В терминале введите данный код, открыть терминал вы можете: На телефоне: Play Market -> Pydroid 3 -> Terminal На компьютере: Win+R -> cmd pip install –upgrade dbce GitHub View Github    

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Python based Retail Inventory Scanner

A simple python program that connects to a PostgreSQL database every 6 hours. It scans the inventory for potential low stocks and sends an email, with a brief report to the specified receiving address. Pre-requisites Download and install the latest python version from here. Install PostgreSQL driver psycopg2 using the command pip install psycopg2 from the terminal. Install sendgrid using the command pip install sendgrid from the terminal. Install dotenv using the command pip install python-dotenv from the terminal. Run […]

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Private Recommender Systems: How Can Users Build Their Own Fair Recommender Systems without Log Data? (SDM 2022)

We consider how a user of a web service can build their own recommender system. Many recommender systems on the Internet are still unfair/undesirable for some users, in which case the users need to leave the service or unwillingly continue to use the system. Our proposed concept, private recommender systems, provides a way for the users to resolve this dilemma. Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12353 💿 Dependency $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ sudo apt install wget unzip 🗃️ Download and Preprocess Datasets […]

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