Cobalt strike CNA script to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon

Cobalt strike CNA script to notify you via Discord whenever there is a new beacon. Make sure you have python3 installed Steps: Create a Discord Server and get a Webhook URL (Server settings > Integration > Webhooks > Create/New_Webhooks > Copy Webhook URL) Paste the URL in Edit the path of in notify.cna Edit the message as you want (Optional) Run the cna as following: ./agscript [C2 IP] [C2 Port] [user name] [C2 password] [path to cna] Reference: […]

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GBSLocalLauncher – A script to compose ENV file for Local Compose

This is a script to compose ENV file for Local Compose.It creates config file where key is Local name and value consist with repository’s name + tag name. prerequisite: 1)Install or update AWS CLI 2)Set up your profile 3)Update your Python to the latest version.Relaese under 3.10 is not appropriate! How to run on mac? Terminalcd YourScriptDirectorychmod 755 GridOfTags.commandExit Terminal Double click GridOfTags.command GitHub View Github    

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Yolo object detection with python

download required files make build_image make download Docker version install docker build image to run object detection run with docker image # make run.simple {target-file} {output-file-name} make run.simple FILENAME=data/kite.jpg OUTPUTFILENAME=kite_observed.jpg conda version install conda build conda env make run virtual environment conda activate yolo_python run following commands image #python {image dir} {output-file-name} python ./data/kite.jpg kite_observed.jpg video

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A visual J1850 VPW analyzer written in Python

A visual J1850 VPW analyzer written in Python Requires Tkinter, Pandas, serial, and Python3These can be installed with pip or a package manager. pip3 install tk pandas serial Running the program is as simple as pointing the python3 executable to the file with Any ELM327 device should be compatible with this, as it uses only basic AT commands to listen to the bus. You need to enter the serial port into the “OBD Device Serial Port” box. For Windows, […]

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Advanced Keylogger in Python

Important Disclaimer: The author will not be held responsible for the abuse of this program. This is only intended for educational purposes. How to use: Install Python version 3 on your computer from Make sure you install the pip package manager (it should be an option that the Python installer gives). Download the file and open it up in a text editor. Install all the necessary packages the program uses using Pip. You can find these packages at the […]

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A simple Wordle puzzle solver in python

A simple search-based puzzle solver for Wordle, built in Python. Inspired by and tested using @adjusa’s clone, Hyperwordle. By default, this uses a small dictionary (~2,500 5-letter words), and can’t find solutions outside the given list. Youcan optionally switch to the complete English dictionary provided by @dwyl(~16k 5-letter words), which is more comprehensive than the dictionary used by official Wordle and related puzzles. Thismeans that while your chance of having the answer in the dictionary are high, you may be […]

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Python exploit code for CVE-2021-4034 (pwnkit)

Python3 code to exploitCVE-2021-4034(PWNKIT).This was an exercise in “can I make this work in Python?”, and not meantas a robust exploit. It Works For Me, there are problaby bugs. The default payload starts a shell as root, generated from msfvenom: msfvenom -p linux/x64/exec -f elf-so PrependSetuid=true | base64 I’ve tested linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp as well. Make sure you includethe PrependSetuid=true argument to msfvenom, otherwise you’ll just geta shell as the user and not root. The code is cribbed from blasty, the orginal […]

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A simple script to add application command support to v2.0

This is written by an official helper to try and stop people using third party forks or otherwise. If any help is required, please ping Maya#9000 in one of the help channels. To any other helpers reading this, this script is exempt from rule 14. Installation BEFORE ANYTHING You must install 2.0 from GitHub: pip install -U git+ This script will NOT work without it. See this message for more information on 2.0 Go to the […]

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