Project developed to collect information from XML files exported by Yet Another Bacnet Explorer (Yabe)

SEJA BEM-VINDO A ESTE REPOSITÓRIO!!! Note que este é o meu segundo projeto em Python e o segundo compartilhado no GitHub. Cada dia que passa eu aprendo um pouco mais sobre o Python e assim irei melhorando o código do programa. Instruções Fork este repositório; Clone seu repositório forked; Adicione seus scripts; Commit & Push; Crie um pull request; Dê uma estrela para este repositório; Aguarde que o seu pull request solicitado vire um merge; Comemore, seu primeiro passo para […]

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ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2021

Credit for the title image: Liu et al. (2021) 2021 saw many exciting advances in machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP). In this post, I will cover the papers and research areas that I found most inspiring. I tried to cover the papers that I was aware of but likely missed many relevant ones. Feel free to highlight them as well as ones that you found inspiring in the comments. I discuss the following highlights: Universal Models Massive […]

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A script takes the website name as input and returns its dns records

DNS Record This script takes the website name as input and returns its dns records. #Requirements to run this file: External library called dnspython has been used here and it can be installed easily by using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt #How to use this script? 1.Install the requirements. Type the following command python 3.It will ask for a website: You can give any website name for example: GitHub View Github    

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Jupyter Notebook (Python) to generate html report on historic redlining and modern racial composition in Houston for PHW278L final project

Redlining, Race-Exclusive Deed Restriction Language, and Neighborhood Racial Composition in Houston This report investigates the effects of systemic racism in Houston by examining recent racial composition and racial composition changes of Houston neighborhoods intersected with historial geographic/race-based lending restriction (redlining) and race-based deed restrictions. Though, this analysis was not formally peer-reviewed, it recieved a 100% grade for the course. Sources for data and graphics can be found in the HTML report. Example Images Houston Historical Redlining Grade with Modern City […]

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Image Compressor with Python – GUI

]Image Compressor with Python – GUI 🙂 WARNING > Dont Copy ! – We Are SEE You WARNING > Any System ! | Exe File WARNING > use : python [BG] Step 1 = Select Your Image Step 2 = Select quality Step 3 = Enter new File name And Location Step 4 = And Compresed Image ! Discord : And Search The Google > MR.D3F417 MR.D3F417 > Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Gᴜᴀʀᴅ Dicord ALPHA : 𝙈𝙍.𝘿𝟑𝙁𝟒𝟏𝟕#8277 یک نرم افزار جدید […]

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Web site for created a community

-registration, user authorization;-registration, user authorization; -adding posts (sections to posts) and their description; -adding comments to posts and publishing them; -the ability to delete and change posts by authorized users to whom this post is linked ; -the ability to delete comments by authorized users to whom this comment is linked; -ability to edit the profile; -sorting posts and comments by creation and update time; -sorting posts by linked section; -search for posts by name, description, section; -implemented many-to-many, many-to-one […]

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Natural language generation evaluation metrics

衡量生成文本质量的方法集 快速开始 把待检测文件整理成如下格式: [ {“ref”: str, “hyps”: [str, str, …]}, {…}, … ] 命令行方法 查看用法 或者查看run.sh的例子 python –input=input_path –output=output_path –metrics=”[‘rouge-1’, ‘bleu’, ‘self-bleu’]” 当前支持的方法有rouge-l, rouge-2, rouge-l, bleu, self-bleu, meteor, ppl。 其中,如果选择ppl,则需要增加命令行参数–ppl_model_path=model_path,这个path为模型文件(bert模型) 如果第一次使用meteor,需要去nltk 下载带中文的wordnet数据 Open Multilingual Wordnet (omw)以及 wordnet ,放入/root/nltk_data/corpora/中解压 python调用 from metrics import Metrics inputs = json.load(…) model = Metrics(metrics

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Fetch fund data from Avanza using Python

Fetch fund data from using Python and some web scraping with bs4. The default way is to display the data in the terminal, apply –json for json output. How does it work? Provide this script with the fund id (can be found in the url of the fund, example below). The script is scraping the funds page and displays the output. How is this useful? You can use this data for your own project, perhaps on a Raspberry Pi […]

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