Algorithm to solve Wordle correctly 100% of the time within 6 attempts

© Zulkarnine, 2022. Algorithm to solve Wordle 100% of the time within 6 attempts. You can go ahead and run to run it for all 2315 Wordle words and it solves 100% of them correctly within 6 attempts.Example output: Ran: 2315 games. Solved: 2315/2315 = 100.00% You can also run to get a sense of how it’s guessing and what is the Wordle game simulation returning. (I.e. the colored blocks) Example output:

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A series of tools used to help event organizers manage participants

This project consists in a set of tools intended to be used in situation of event organization where data manipulation, contact with participants and other logistical tasks need to be automated. A CSV data file is used as a basis for participant information. Modules : CSV reader and processor : anonymization, auto-cleanup, projections, … to be used as data source for other modules (TODO) Automated Protonmail email sender : based on with scalability improvements Automatic badge generator Python dependencies […]

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Banu Systems Industry Tools in Python

The main goal of this project is to enable co-op industry game play in Star Citizen. As of now there is no easy way to calculate payouts, keep track of refinery jobs, or see how much you owe/are owed. This project looks to take care of that and will evolve as new content is added into the game. *** REQUIREMENTS *** Expandable for salvage Pilots enter raw ore Allow multiple types of ore Allow mining location (planet/moon, closest outpost) (optional) […]

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Add/remove license to/from source files

Utility to add/remove licenses to/from source files.Supports processing any combination of globs, files, and directories (recurse).Pruning options allow skipping non-licensing files. licenser uses file identification techniques to infer the format of the license.Mainly, resolves how text is commented for that particular source file.Then, string matching is used to detect the presence of the license in source files.This allows licenser to be an idempotent operation. Grammar of source file comments Commented text in source code can be represented by the location […]

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Reads in an image of an album cover and and pulls the lyrics from an API to create an image to create “art”

Reads in an image of an album cover and and pulls the lyrics from an API to create an image to create “art”, which consists of the colored lyrics to mirror the original. Usage Copy the covers you want use in the ./input/ folder. Name the images from 00_foo.png to XX_bar.jpg. Create a songs.txt file in the ./input/ folder. Enter the name of the song (that should be contained by the new image) for 00_foo.png in the first line, second […]

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Multi-processing capable print-like logger for Python

Multi-processing capable print-like logger for Python Requirements and Installation Python 3.8+ is required Pip pip install mplogger Manual Poetry and (optionally) GNU Make are required. git clone Run make On Windows or without Make (after cloning the repository): poetry install –no-root poetry build poetry run pip install –upgrade dist/*.whl (the correct filename must be specified on Windows) Usage Single-process from MLPlogger import Logger #    

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Utilizing numpy to hold the image data, and to allow us to easily modify the image data

The goal of this project is to do some very simple image processing tasks, utilizing numpy to hold the image data, and to allow us to easily modify the image data. I utilize matplotlib and numpy. Part 1: Returns a new pattern that contains only the red, green or blue channel of the image based on 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = blue. Part 2: Returns permutated image based on perm given. perm is a list of 0,1,2 […]

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Robust Video Matting and background composing in one model by using onnxruntime

RobustVideoMatting and background composing in one model by using onnxruntime. pip install -r requirements.txt python Press key 1~4 for changing 4 background images in folder backgrounds, press key 5 for using video as background, press 0 for green background, press q for raw web-cam stream. Solve memory leak, which may caused by GitHub View Github    

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