Unfollow everyone you followed on GitHub using Python Selenium Chrome driver

Unfollow everyone you followed on GitHub using Python Selenium Chrome driver Login to your GitHub account using your password and username Find your following list Use Selenium to press the unfollow buttons usage: python3 unfollow.py [username] [password] [maxpage] positional arguments: username Your Github username password The password of your Github account for login maxpage Github page number optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit Example:python unfollow.py SatinWuker passswooord 4 This is the libraries that are required: requirements […]

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Have you ever thought some college work can be automated using python? Rather than spending hours of looped days

Table of Contents Have you ever thought some college work can be automated using python? Rather than spending hours of looped days. We got you, join our workshop, simplify your life and obviously chill out 😎 This repository is for all Python enthusiasts who have a keen interest in automating the web browser using Python commands. No previous knowledge is required. This repository will be useful for all the students who are not familiar with python as well as for […]

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A simple camera switcher addon for blender

A simple camera switcher addon for blender. Useful when use reference image for camera. This addon will automatically fix the ratio for different resolution of reference images . This addon is still in develop. Use at your own risk. How to use? Clone this repository and install in blender. Go to View3D > Properties > Camera Switcher. Turn onAuto update. Press Add reference image to select image for a new camera. Support different resolution of images. Press camera name under […]

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Python script to organize messy directories

Organize and manage messy directories 🧹 To run the script the script runs with a json file. Inside the json file you can specify the configurations to organize the directory. # config.json { “directory” : { “path”: [“path of directory to organize ex: C:Userstmpts21Desktop”] }, “automate” : [ { “type” : “IMAGES”    

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Python script to telnet into a draytek router and provide the stats for Prometheus

I had a lot of line trouble lately. I knew the router provided the stats but it doesn’t do anything with them. I wanted to visually check the line stats and be able to look as the history of the line.Prometheus and Grafana seemed the best idea as i had these already in use watching my docker container stats. A python script to read the detailed DrayTek router stats. The following stats are recorded and presented as Open Metrics (Prometheus) […]

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Wordle bot – A bot that plays wordle

A bot that plays wordle https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/sgb-words.txt I used the dataset above for the bot. It was published by Donald E. Kruth. The main idea the bot uses is by deleting words from it’s word list and then making a random guess. It starts with picking a random word out of 5757 words. Enters it , then using the result it got it eliminates some of the words in the words list and then makes another guess until it founds it […]

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Whatsapp Automation With Python

CONTENTS OF THIS FILE Introduction Requirements Installation Maintainers INTRODUCTION Whatsapp Automation basically provides you with Messages (Personalized/Standard) Media files(image/video) Pdfto send to multiple contacts. The idea for the project was to provide easy ways for people starting their businessesand storing data in excel to reach out to their customers in an easy way.Most people start registration for events/webinars/startups with the help of Googleforms which convert the data into excel sheets.This project helps user to generate personalised messages and reach out […]

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