Draw the Mandelbrot Set in Python

This tutorial will guide you through a fun project involving complex numbers in Python. You’re going to learn about fractals and create some truly stunning art by drawing the Mandelbrot set using Python’s Matplotlib and Pillow libraries. Along the way, you’ll learn how this famous fractal was discovered, what it represents, and how it relates to other fractals. Knowing about object-oriented programming principles and recursion will enable you to take full advantage of Python’s expressive syntax to write clean code […]

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SpeechHacks – QHacks 2022 Project

QHacks 2022 Project- Liam Seagram, Jimmy Lu, Nolan Hepworth, Taylor Fiorelli Aim Using AssemblyAPI to perform text-to-speech and summarize the result. Dependencies/Installations To run the python code located in the scripts folder, here are the required installs: Next, you will need to install the nltk librairy to make the summarizer work. Here is the method that will work for local machines: Once that is done, run these two commands consecutively in python 3: import nltk nltk.download() This should open a […]

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Mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4)

TR:mesafe tahmini yapabilen ve nesne tanımlayabilen proje (python-opencv & yolov4)EN:project that can estimate distance and identify objects##########################################################################################################################TR:program index hatası veriyorsa opencv-contrib sürümünüz ile ilgili bir problem olabilirEN:If the program gives an index error, there may be a problem with your opencv-contrib version.solution:pip install opencv-contrib-python== oldugundan emin olmanız gerekenlerEN:Things to make sure you have1-cv2 (pip install opencv-python)2-numpy3-opencv-contrib (opencv-contrib-python) GitHub View Github    

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A copy of the repository of the engine cooling simulator I developed with the propulsion sub-team at UTAT

The implemented class calls NASA CEA via RocketCEA. In progress install instructions for rocketcea on WSL (Ubuntu) on Windows Setup WSL download and install Ubuntu https://ubuntu.com/wsl Setup visual output on WSL download and install xming https://sourceforge.net/projects/xming/ Do the following in Ubuntu terminal nano ~/.bashrc # add the following line to the end of that file export DISPLAY=:0 # to exit Ctrl-X, and save file Setup miniconda as a python 3.x distro and a package manager Do the following in Ubuntu […]

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A team of Crypto Unicorns bots

A team of Crypto Unicorns bots Disclaimer I invoke autocorns to help my unicorns. You may choose to invoke autocorns to help your unicorns, too.If you do choose to call upon autocorns, know that you are doing so at your own risk. I am not liable orresponsible for any damage or losses you may incur. autocorns expect your account credentials to be stored as an Ethereum keystore file and for you to have access to the corresponding password.If you do […]

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Space Apps 2019 Finalists Submission: AstroTech

What is the NEOSSat Challenge? The NEOSSat is a dual-mission microsatellite designed to detect potentially hazardous Earth-orbit-crossing asteroids and track objects that reside in deep space. At Space Apps 2019, a competition hosted by NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) we took on the NEOSSat challenge. More info regarding the challenge can be found here: http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/events/2019/space-apps-2019.asp. Who are we and what is AstroTech? We are the finalists from Toronto of NASA and the CSA’s 2019 Space Apps Challenge. Our […]

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Wordle Optimization Project

Our “robo guesser” can solve any Wordle puzzle within 6 guesses, with an average of 4.53 guesses. This automatic guesser, along with other functions that provide useful analytics for players who want to improve their guesses without cheating, are included in this project. How to Use Key Functions All functions in this repository will provide basic information with use of help(function()), but below is how to use the key functions. Prerequisites You will need Python as well as packages pandas […]

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Csgoearn – Earn balance and get skins while you’re AFK

Getting Started There’s two ways of installing CSGOEARN. Running a pre-compiled version, or running it from the source. Prerequisites A version of Google Chrome or Chromium is currently required. Installation Pre-compiled Download the latest version at CSGOEARN-DEV/cdn Run the .exe file Source Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/CSGOEARN-DEV/csgoearn Change the directory to /src Install pip modules pip install -r requirements.txt Run main.py Compiling If you    

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This repo contains an example submission for the CSE447 project

This repo contains an example submission for the CSE447 project.For this project, you will develop a program that takes in a string of character and tries to predict the next character.For illustration purposes, this repo contains a dummy program that simply generates 3 random guesses of the next character. Input format example/input.txt contains an example of what the input to your program will look like.Each line in this file correspond to a string, for which you must guess what the […]

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