Can Wikipedia Help Offline RL?

Machel Reid, Yutaro Yamada and Shixiang Shane Gu. Our paper is up on arXiv. Overview Official codebase for Can Wikipedia Help Offline Reinforcement Learning?.Contains scripts to reproduce experiments. (This codebase is based on that of Instructions We provide code our code directory containing code for our experiments. Installation Experiments require MuJoCo.Follow the instructions in the mujoco-py repo to install.Then, dependencies can be installed with the following command: conda env create -f conda_env.yml Downloading datasets Datasets are stored in the […]

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Density – open-sourced multi-purpose tool for ROBLOX

Density is a open-sourced multi-purpose tool for ROBLOX with some cool minor features including: Follow Bot Group Join Bot Cookie Generator Cookie Checker Model Buyer Visit Bot Friend Bot Favorite Bot Proxy Checker http, socks5, socks4 support UPC and C support Density is a small powerful tool designed for people who don’t have enough money for (2captcha) or paid tools, density comes in not for profitablility but for the fun of it. Thanks to ssl#0001 for developing this tool. GitHub […]

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A small subset of Python Requests

a small subset of Python Requests a few years ago, when I was first learning Python and looking for http functionality, i found the batteries-included urllib — part of the Python std lib and it said The Requests package is recommended for a higher-level HTTP client interface. so i decided to try requests instead. the requests page links to a gist that makes urllib seem very complicated (and requests so much easier) import urllib2 gh_url = ‘’ req = […]

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Python’s len() Function

In many situations, you’ll need to find the number of items stored in a data structure. Python’s built-in function len() is the tool that will help you with this task. There are some cases in which the use of len() is straightforward. However, there are other times when you’ll need to understand how this function works in more detail and how to apply it to different data types. In this course, you’ll learn how to: Find the length of built-in […]

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A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them zipped

A simple telegram bot that takes a list of files sent by the user and returns them zipped. To be able to run the code you need to rename config.sample.ini to config.ini and fill out the needed credentials. session_dsn is the session name wanted. The bot uses dictionaries to save states so it’s not persistent between runs. The bot uses as the FSM. The storage type can be changed there. The bot saves files in a temp directory. The […]

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Dictionary created to help train new users of Git and GitHub applications

Dicionário criado com o objetivo de auxiliar no treinamento de novos usuários dos aplicativos Git e GitHub. Ao digitar um comando do git, será apresentado seu respectivo significado, como mostra o gif abaixo Features ❗ 1ª Mensagem de saudação 2ª Escolha do usuário 3ª Apresentação do resultado Estrutura dos programas 📁 – Contem a interação com o usuário – Contem a lógica de operação – Contem os dados base das palavras Como contribuir Você pode contribuir adicionando […]

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A gmail brute force app created with python3

So this is my first app i created with python3 . if you guys download it im going to make a gmail brute force appit’s an md5 cracker and yeah i put a free simple wordlist on it so you can use it. if u wanna add another don’t worry just drag and drop it on the folder you installed,and if u want you can replace it with PassList.txt. Have fun cracking passwords! [*] JUST USE FOR ETHICAL HACKING. [*] […]

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Tip Toi Dog With Python

Was ist dieses Projekt? Meine 5-jährige Tochter spielt sehr gerne das Quiz Wer kennt alle Hunde. Dabei interessiert sie sich gar nicht so sehr für die Details auf der Rückseite der Quizkarten, sondern hauptsächlich für die Hundenamen. Da sie aber noch nicht lesen kann, kann sie das Quiz nicht alleine machen. Da kam mir die Idee, den TipToi-Stift von Ravensburger dafür einzusetzen, dass sie das Spiel doch alleine spielen kann. Der Stift solltealso die jeweiligen Hundenamen vorlesen. Ich war zuversichtlich, […]

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WhatsApp Crashing Tool v1.1

This is just for Educational Purpose WhatsApp Crashing tool using python 3 This was created using these modules os time hpcomt webbrowser How to Use. git clone cd chmod +x python3 GitHub View Github    

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YouPlay – A python based tool for downloading YouTube videos through its URL

YouPlay is a python based tool for downloading YouTube videos through its URL. It is capable to download videos from YouTube playlists too and can extract the audio file only from the video. It can read URLs from files and can download contents as per instruction. Requirements This is a python based file. So, to run this file you will require a python environment. Set-Up Step-1: Download the zip file or clone git clone Step-2: Install required modules cd […]

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