List Less Than Ten with python

Take a list, say for example this one: a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] and write a program that prints out all the elements of the list that are less than 5. Extras: Instead of printing the elements one by one, make a new list that has all the elements less than 5 from this list in it and print out this new list. Write this in one line of Python. Ask the […]

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Dice Rolling Simulator using Python-random

As the name of the program suggests, we will be imitating a rolling dice. This is one of the interesting python projects and will generate a random number each dice the program runs, and the users can use the dice repeatedly for as long as he wants. When the user rolls the dice, the program will generate a random number between 1 and 6 (as on a standard dice). The number will then be displayed to the user. It will […]

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Number Guessing Game Built With Python

This project is an exciting fun game for beginners to build up. The program generates a random number from 1 to 10, or 1 to 100 any range that is specified and the user must guess the number after a hint from the computer. Every time a user’s guess is wrong they are prompted with more hints to make it easier for them to guess the number but at the cost of reducing the score. The clue any math clue […]

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Car list cli app with python

To run this script git clone Create virtual environment: virtualenv venv –python=python3 Activate virtualenv: venvScriptsactivate (Windows) source venv/bin/activate (OSC) Install required pacakges pip install -r requirements.txt Run the script python GitHub View Github    

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How to build an Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter in Python

Generally to measure the temperature we make use of one of these two popular units i.e. Fahrenheit & Celsius. Converting one into another is usually boring and can be easily automated. Today we will be building a simple & short project which will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius for us in seconds. Contributing This is a personal learning project for me. Please feel free to fork this repo. Pull request to submit more programs. Feedback If you find any bug or […]

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This program sends a message to various email adresses

This program sends a message to various email adresses.Fist, download offices.txt and message.txtThen, enter the directory of the files where it is needed.In the offices.txt file, enter the name of the receiver with a capital first letter. Leave a space and then enter their e-mail adress.In order to enter a second receiver, change the line.In the message.txt file you construct your own message around the text “$OFFICE_NAME”, which you will leave untouched.When you run the .py file, you will be […]

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Finding leaked secrets in your Docker image with a scanner

If you’re not careful, you can end up with a private SSH key, AWS access token, or password embedded in your Docker image. That means anyone who access the image will be able to get that secret, and potentially use it to gain further access to additional systems. While you can and should take steps to prevent leaking secrets in the first place, it’s still useful to catch leaks if they do happen. If you can catch the leak before […]

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Tic-Tac-Toe game build With Python

This game is very popular amongst all of us and even fun to build as a Python project. I am pretty sure most of us know how to play it but let me give a quick brush up. It is a two-player game and consists of a nine-square grid. Each player chooses their move and with O or X and marks their square one at each chance. The player who succeeds in making their marks all in one line whether […]

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An Open Source Python Youtube Downloader

Hello There This Is An Open Source Python Youtube Downloader this youtube downloader was one of the first programs i ever wrote myself,that was a year and a half ago time really passes by quick i dont want to bragbut there is it alot of good open source Youtube downloaders out there so thatswhere i got the idea to make one myself. feel free to fork change credits etc… Contact Me:Discord: Flex#8629 GitHub View Github    

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Ask the user for a number. Depending on whether the number is even or odd, print out an appropriate message to the user

Ask the user for a number. Depending on whether the number is even or odd, print out an appropriate message to the user. Hint: how does an even / odd number react differently when divided by 2? Extras: If the number is a multiple of 4, print out a different message. Ask the user for two numbers: one number to check (call it num) and one number to divide by (check). If check divides evenly into num, tell that to […]

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