Set of scripts & tools for converting between numbers and major system encoded words

Set of scripts & tools for converting between numbers and major system encoded words. Uses phonetics instead of letters to convert, sorts by word frequency and indicates part of speech. For an explanation of the major system, check out the wikipedia page To learn the major system, check out my anki deck. (Github repository) msc.go CLI client for looking up words for a given number. Compile using go build, run using ./msc. Example: ./msc -d assets/major_system_lookup_250k.csv Results Resulting words are […]

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Mostly revolving around the Danbooru20xx dataset

Repo for my Tensorflow/Keras CV experiments. Mostly revolving around the Danbooru20xx dataset Framework: TF/Keras 2.7 Training SQLite DB built using fire-egg’s tools: Currently training on Danbooru2021, 512px SFW subset (sans the rating:q images that had been included in the 2022-01-21 release of the dataset) Reference: Anonymous, The Danbooru Community, & Gwern Branwen; “Danbooru2021: A Large-Scale Crowdsourced and Tagged Anime Illustration Dataset”, 2022-01-21. Web. Accessed 2022-01-28 Journal 06/02/2022: great news crew! TRC allowed me to use a bunch of […]

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Nubank expense tracker for python

This is an independent project to track Nubank expenses. To fetch Nubank data we are going to use an unofficial Nubank API, that is going to be explained later. This data will be kept in a database container to be used and analyzed later. The main goal of this project is to put in practice technologies such as containers, docker-compose, python, network between containers and so on. This project is under development… How to set things up To set up […]

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The backbone CSPDarkNet of YOLOX

The backbone CSPDarkNet of YOLOX. In this project, you can enjoy: CSPDarkNet-S CSPDarkNet-M CSPDarkNet-L CSPDarkNet-X CSPDarkNet-Tiny CSPDarkNet-Nano As far as I know, it is difficult for many researchers to train YOLOv5 or YOLOX from scratch because they, including me, do not have sufficient computing resources. Therefore, a pre-trained backbone is still important. In addition, since YOLOv5 and YOLOX are excellent object detectors, their backbones theoretically perform better than imagenet pretrained weights. Therefore, based on the above two reasons, I deliberately […]

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Various technical documentation, in electronically parseable format

Various technical documentation, in electronically parseable format. You will need Python 3 to run the scripts and programs in this project. The parseable format commonly used in this project is JSON. Books are referenced by the name of the .json file in books/*.json. Each *.json file describes the book in more detail. Node that while the json does list parts, chapters, sections, etc. only the chapters actually referenced by the documentation are listed, at least initially.    

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A stack-based systems language that supports structures, functions, expressions, and user-defined operator behaviour

A stack-based systems language that supports structures, functions, expressions, and user-defined operator behaviour. Currently compiles to URCL with plans to add additional formats in the future. Why Python? The initial implementation of this compiler is written in Python. This allowed for flexibility during development and guaranteed portability across major platforms. This compiler may be ported to other languages in the future should the need arise. Invoking the Compiler python -o MyProgram.urcl Argument Description This is the main […]

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Python’s all(): Check Your Iterables for Truthiness

When programming, you’ll often need to check if all the items in an iterable are truthy. Coding this functionality repeatedly can be annoying and inefficient. Luckily, Python provides the built-in all() function to solve this problem. This function takes an iterable and checks all its items for truth value, which is handy for finding out if those items have a given property or meet a particular condition. Python’s all() is a powerful tool that can help you write clean, readable, […]

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Hough transform – A feature extraction method for detecting simple shapes such as circles, lines, etc in an image

Hough transform is a feature extraction method for detecting simple shapes such as circles, lines, etc in an image. Hough Transform and Hough Line Transform is implemented in OpenCV with two methods; the Standard Hough Transform and the Probabilistic Hough Line Transform. The “simple” characteristic is derived by the shape representation in terms of parameters. A “simple” shape will be only represented by a few parameters, for example a line can be represented by its slope and intercept, or a […]

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Using computer vision techniques in OpenCV, we will identify road lane lines in which autonomous cars must run

Using computer vision techniques in OpenCV, we will identify road lane lines in which autonomous cars must run. This will be a critical part of autonomous cars, as the self-driving cars should not cross it’s lane and should not go in opposite lane to avoid accidents. Frame Masking and Hough Line Transformation To detect white markings in the lane, first, we need to mask the rest part of the frame. We do this using frame masking. The frame is nothing […]

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