The ifm_stoestring_hackthon with a machine energy monitoring system for the low carbon economy

In our solution based on plotly, dash and influxdb, the user will firstly generate the specifications for different robots, and then a wide range of interactive visualizations for different machines for machine power, machine cost, and total cost based on the energy time and total energy getting dynamically from sensors. If a threshold is met, the alert email is generated for further operation. Introduction dash-manufacture-spc-dashboard is a dashboard for monitoring read-time process quality along manufacture production line.This is a demo […]

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Auto Uploading Instagram Bot

###Instagram Uploading Bot### Download Python and Chrome browser pip install -r requirements.txt python (Run the script) Press the “Open Chrome Browser” button login into your instagram Fill out Information to the Form. Open the folder you want to upload % The file name must be numbers % + Set how many posts there will be in one posting process Open the folder if you want to add advertisement post % The Ad post files should be numbers starting with […]

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GitHub project as part of the Programming for Data Science with Python Nanodegree from Udacity

Date created February 10, 2022 Project Title Explore US Bikeshare Data Description This project was undertaken as part of Udacity’s Programming for Data Science with Python. It mainly uses Python to understand U.S. bikeshare data using dataprovided by Motivate. The script is able to calculate statistics and build an interactive environment.In this interactive environment, raw user input as answers to a few questions willchange the results: The city the user would like to see data from (there are 3 cities […]

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Hotel API Flask Projeto01 Udemy

📚 Sobre o projeto É um sistema de API simples para listar hoteis. Esse sistema é do primeiro projeto de aula do curso da udemy sobre api com Flask. 💻 Tecnologias O sistema foi construído na linguagem de programação python e utiliza a framework Flask. Os dados estão sendo armazenados localmente, sem conexão com banco de dados. Para testar os recursos do CRUD, estou utilizando o Insomnia para enviar e receber as requisições. Por fim, é utilizado o virtualenv como […]

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FAMIE: A Fast Active Learning Framework for Multilingual Information Extraction

FAMIE: A Fast Active Learning Framework for Multilingual Information Extraction FAMIE is a comprehensive and efficient active learning (AL) toolkit for multilingual information extraction (IE). FAMIE is designed to address a fundamental problem in existing AL frameworks where annotators need to wait for a long time between annotation batches due to the time-consuming nature of model training and data selection at each AL iteration. With a novel proxy AL mechanism and the integration of our SOTA multilingual toolkit Trankit, FAMIE […]

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Python’s zipfile: Manipulate Your ZIP Files Efficiently

Python’s zipfile is a standard library module intended to manipulate ZIP files. This file format is a widely adopted industry standard when it comes to archiving and compressing digital data. You can use it to package together several related files. It also allows you to reduce the size of your files and save disk space. Most importantly, it facilitates data exchange over computer networks. Knowing how to create, read, write, populate, extract, and list ZIP files using the zipfile module […]

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You are AllSet: A Multiset Function Framework for Hypergraph Neural Networks

This is the repo for our paper: You are AllSet: A Multiset Function Framework for Hypergraph Neural Networks. We prepared all codes and a subset of datasets used in our experiments. All codes and script are in the folder src, and a subset of raw data are provided in folder data. To run the experiments, please go the the src folder first. Enviroment requirement: This repo is tested with the following enviroment, higher version of torch PyG may also be […]

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Indicator divergence library for python

This module aims to help to find bullish/bearish divergences (regular or hidden) between two indicators using argrelextrema from scipy.signal. Code based on higher-highs-lower-lows-and-calculating-price-trends-in-python article on medium. This package is mean to use in conjunction with jesse ai but is generic enough to be used on its own. poetry build pip install dist/jesse_extra_indicators-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

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