A simple MenuBar app that shows the price of 3 cryptocurrencies

A very simple MenuBar app that shows the price of the following cryptocurrencies: Screenshot Goals While this is just a very simple app that displays the price of a set of cryptocurrencies, the goal is to create a more feature rich application that displays chart data for a basket of other cryptocurrencies and potentially also incorporate a news section aswell. References GitHub View Github    

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Breaching privacy in federated learning scenarios for vision and text

This PyTorch framework implements a number of gradient inversion attacks that breach privacy in federated learning scenarios,covering examples with small and large aggregation sizes and examples both vision and text domains. This includes implementations of recent work such as: But also a range of implementations of other attacks from optimization attacks (such as “Inverting Gradients” and “See through Gradients”) to recent analytic and recursive attacks. Jupyter notebook examples for these attacks can be found in the examples/ folder. Overview: This […]

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Gracefully face hCaptcha challenge with Yolov5(ONNX) embedded solution

Introduction Does not rely on any Tampermonkey script. Does not use any third-party anti-captcha services. Just implement some interfaces to make AI vs AI possible. Requirements Python 3.7+ google-chrome Usage Clone the project code in the way you like. Execute the following command in the project root directory. # hcaptcha-challenger pip install -r ./requirements.txt Download Project Dependencies. The implementation includes downloading the YOLOv5 target detection model and detecting google-chrome in the current environment. If google-chrome is missing please follow the […]

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Project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack

A minimal project management website for CMSC495 built using the Django stack. Team Lead: @MeyerWilliam Front End: @mosiris Back End: @Justin444 Browser and access Access the website through a modern web browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox by entering the website url. Account Creation The user will be directed to a login page with a button to create a new account. New users will need to create an account to access website functions.Password complexity is a must on account […]

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Novel role playing game da turfu

Ce README sera la page de garde du projet. Contenu Il contiendra la présentation et le sommaire, les noms, les rôlesIl documentera aussi comment lancer le jeu, l’installer ainsi que quelquesinformations de fonctionnement général montrant le plan du projet et comment lemodifier. Autres Le planning (qui sera rempli au fur et à mesure), le journal des difficultés,des outils utilisés, et de la vision du projet en détail, et le journal (ainsique les fichiers) de test sont dans le dossier portofolio.On […]

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Create HEC tokens in Cribl Stream through the API

This script is intended as an example of how to authenticate in Cribl Stream, and make a simple POST request to add a new HEC token. Usage: py_hec_token_mgr.py [-h] -l http://leader:port [-u USERNAME] -t TOKEN -a {add,modify} [-d DESC] -g GROUP -i INPUT [-p PASSWORD] the following arguments are required: -l/–leader, -t/–token, -a/–action, -g/–group, -i/–input if no password is supplied, you’ll be prompted currently the modify action does nothing Requirements: Tested with python 3 Requires the requests module 2022-02-15 – […]

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A product based recommendation system which uses Machine learning algorithm such as KNN and cosine similarity

A product based recommendation system which uses Machine learning algorithm such as KNN and cosine similarity and also uses MongoDB as a database which stores the user data for a semi-collaborative filtering. Accuracy : Calculated accuracy using nDCG. Some randomly selected product efficiency: Batman killer croc takedown figures: nDCG=0.917 Star Wars Movie Heroes Yoda: nDCG=0.942 Harry Potter Hogwarts Bookmarks: nDCG=0.9406 Technology Used in this project: Pandas Numpy Sklearn MongoDB as Databases Streamlit for UI Demo: Home UI: Database structure: Result […]

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Az Residential Real Estate Analysis

-Decided on libraries to import. Includes pandas, json, requests, plotly express, hvplot, geopandas, numpy and url. -Read in a nested json and cvs files of residential properties for sale in PHX and surrounding areas, and sorted through the atrributes to get our dataframes in a clean format. -Using urlopen, we read other json files into a sperate dataframe to plot and compare with our other data. -Analyzed and plotted the data using plotly, hvplot, and geopandas. -Plots included a map […]

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