Manage Your To-Do Lists Using Python and Django

Have you ever struggled to keep track of the things that you need to do? Perhaps you’re in the habit of using a handwritten to-do list to remind you of what needs doing, and by when. But handwritten notes have a way of getting lost or forgotten. Because you’re a Python coder, it makes sense to build a Django to-do list manager! In this step-by-step tutorial, you’re going to create a web app using Django. You’ll learn how Django can […]

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Chord-Conditioned Melody Choralization with Controllable Harmonicity and Polyphonicity

Chord-Conditioned Melody Choralization with Controllable Harmonicity and Polyphonicity This is the source code of DeepChoir, a melody choralization system, which can generate a four-part chorale for a given melody conditioned on a chord progression, trained/validated on Chordified JSB Chorales Dataset. The evaluation data we used in our experiments in the outputs folder, and the musical discrimination test is available at The generated samples (chorales, folk songs and a symphony) are in the samples folder, you can also listening them […]

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EPH – A tool which allows you to perform scans to find exposed administration panels that can lead to security vulnerabilities

EPH is a tool which allows you to perform scans to find exposed administration panels that can lead to security vulnerabilities. It can be used offensively (Pentest, Bug Bounty…) or defensively (Threat Hunting). The search is realized by Shodan, so you will need an API key (free API keys are not working).Queries can be done with a custom favicon or by using the available database containing a list of dangerous and frequently used panels. Gitlab FS Switch Spring Boot Tomcat […]

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Automatic construction of wannier functions for any 3D transition metal based system with or without SOC

Automatic construction of wannier functions for any 3D transition metal based system with or without SOC Written by Ilias Samathrakis and Zeying Zhang The algorithm is summarized briefly in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 21, 6224–6231 INTRODUCTION We present an open-source code, written in Python, that is used toconstruct wannier functions for any 3D transition metal based systemwith or without SOC automatically. REQUIREMENTS The code is only tested on Linux systems and requires Python3 and the library ‘pymatgen’ Download […]

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Search, select and execute Fastlane lanes directly from Alfred

Search, select and execute Fastlane lanes directly from Alfred alfred-fastlane.mp4 Features ✅ Scrapes lanes from Fastfile ✅ Optional caching for remote lanes ✅ Auto-detects open Xcode project ✅ Fuzzy matching ✅ Supports parameters ✅ In-Alfred settings flow Getting started Toggle Alfred → type fl → select path containing Fastlane folder ↩︎ With lane selected, hold ⌘ to toggle between bundle exec fastlane [lane] and fastlane [lane] Hold ⌥ or ⇧ to pass parameters to selected lane Lanes contained within the […]

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Create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code

This Repository is intended to create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code. The tools can be as simple as extracting few keywords from text, but with lot of options and customizations. Invoking the tools should be as simple as Double Clicking the Python files. Any extra requirements will be mentioned explicitly in the python files itself or an Usage example will be provided. Python Modules Installation pip install PySimpleGUI simpleUMLGenerator Pre-requisites pip install […]

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A benchmarking framework for solving automatic design problems that involve choosing an input that maximizes a black-box function

Design-Bench is a benchmarking framework for solving automatic design problems that involve choosing an input that maximizes a black-box function. This type of optimization is used across scientific and engineering disciplines in ways such as designing proteins and DNA sequences with particular functions, chemical formulas and molecule substructures, the morphology and controllers of robots, and many more applications. These applications have significant potential to accelerate research in biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, robotics and many other disciplines. We hope this […]

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Python library for dotbim

Description Open-source python library for dotbim file format. Read more about dotbim here: Installation How it works? For json serialization and deserialization it uses jsonpickle: license: Examples Pyramid example

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Automatically install all scripts you put in the ./bin folder of this repository

Automatically install all scripts you put in the “./bin” folder of this repository Works with any executable script with a shebang pattern in the first line: !#/……… Instructions: Install with: pip install git+ Note: ALWAYS add the shebang pattern in the first line, so can properly identify your script Remember that bash/sh scripts don’t work in windows 🙂 GitHub View Github    

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