Hack Camera, Microphone, Location, Clipboard With Just a Link. Also, Get Many Details About Victim’s Device

An Automated Tool to Hack Victim’s Camera, Microphone, Location, Clipboard. Has 2 Extra Features. Hack Camera Hack Microphone Hack Clipboard Hack Location Get So Many Details about Victim’s Device. As much as Possible… Prank Victim Using PasteJacking Supports Custom HTML page to Show to Victim. Supports URL Masking Supported Port Forwardings Localhost CloudFlared Ngrok Installation Commands apt update -y apt upgrade -y pkg install python git -y git clone https://github.com/Toxic-Noob/Link-X cd Link-X bash setup.sh python link-x.py    

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StarkNet Modular Contracts (SMC) Standard

This repository presents a way to build and deploy modular StarkNet contracts.It is heavily inspired by the Diamond Standard, but uses a different naming convention to avoid confusion. Running You can use nile to compile the smart contracts: You can use pytest to runs the tests: GitHub View Github    

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TCTrack: Temporal Contexts for Aerial Tracking (CVPR2022)

Ziang Cao and Ziyuan Huang and Liang Pan and Shiwei Zhang and Ziwei Liu and Changhong Fu In CVPR, 2022. [paper] Abstract Temporal contexts among consecutive frames are farfrom being fully utilized in existing visual trackers. In this work, we present TCTrack, a comprehensive framework to fully exploit temporal contexts for aerial tracking. The temporal contexts are incorporated at two levels: the extraction of features and the refinement of similarity maps. Specifically, for feature extraction, an online temporally adaptive convolution […]

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Populate library namespace without incurring immediate import costs

lazy-loader makes it easy to load subpackages and functions on demand. Motivation Allow subpackages to be made visible to users without incurring import costs. Allow external libraries to be imported only when used, improving import times. For a more detailed discussion, see the SPEC. Installation pip install -U lazy-loader Usage Lazily load subpackages Consider the __init__.py from scikit-image: subpackages = [ …, ‘filters’, … ] import lazy_loader as lazy __getattr__, __dir__, _

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Twitter Bot to track updates in Metaculus questions

This bot monitors some Metaculus questions and posts a tweet when the predictions have changed significantly. The bot is currently deployed on Google Cloud Functions (deploy.sh) and runs every 6 hours (schedule.sh). The main function that runs the bot is in main.py. Contributions Contributions are very welcome, please open an issue or create a Pull Request. GitHub View Github    

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Using pixel classification and some Image Processing Techniques to detect bin in images

This project focuses on using the logistic regresion based image pixel classification model and image reinforcement methods to segment and augment images and then detected the positions of the bins in different images. As bins may appear in different places, it is necessary to design a classification algorithm that can segment the bin from a complex scenario. My method achieved a reliable outcome on detecting the location of bins in different scenarios. The techinical approach and methmetical formulation are all […]

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Boosting Monocular Depth

(NEW!) Boost Your Own depth with our new repo We present a stand-alone implementation of our Merging Operator. This new repo allows using any pair of monocular depth estimations in our double estimation. This includes using separate networks for base and high-res estimations, using networks not supported by this repo (such as Midas-v3), or using manually edited depth maps for artistic use. This will also be useful for scientists developing CNN-based MDE as a way to quickly apply double estimation […]

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP) configuration scanning tool

Cloudimized is a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) configuration scanning tool. It allowsmonitoring changes of selected resources. Cloudimized performs similar function as Oxidized, but for Cloud environment. Overview Cloudimized periodical scans of GCP resources via API calls and dumps them into yaml files. Files are tracked in Git,so every configuration change is being tracked.It gathers additional information for each change: changer’s identity, related Terraform runs(optionally), identify change ticket number (optionally).Optionally it sends Slack notifications for each change. Features Project discovery across […]

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Comparison-of-OCR (KerasOCR, PyTesseract,EasyOCR)

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables the conversion of document types such as scanned paper documents, PDF files or pictures taken with a digital camera into editable and searchable data. OCR creates words from letters and sentences from words by selecting and separating letters from images. Requirements pip install -r requirements.txt Usage Also you can check the result by one by like: You have to initilaze your object. ocr=OCR(image_folder=”test/”) After that, for keras ocr: for easyocr: ocr.easyocr_model_works() […]

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Optimizing Protein Structure Prediction Model Training and Inference on GPU Clusters

Optimizing Protein Structure Prediction Model Training and Inference on GPU Clusters FastFold provides a high-performance implementation of Evoformer with the following characteristics. Excellent kernel performance on GPU platform Supporting Dynamic Axial Parallelism(DAP) Break the memory limit of single GPU and reduce the overall training time DAP can significantly speed up inference and make ultra-long sequence inference possible Ease of use Huge performance gains with a few lines changes You don’t need to care about how the parallel part is implemented […]

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